Sleepover Pt 1

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|~Y/n P.O.V.~|

After I finished cleaning my makeup, up I went down stairs. "Guys we gotta go or we are going to be late. Aaron?" I asked. "Hmm uh yeah?" He said. "Can we stop at your house I left my bag at your house and Jax do you have clothes and stuff?" I asked. "Yeah, we can stop at my house and grab your bag." Aaron said. "I have clothes, but they are in my car so on the way I will grab them." Jax says smiling. "Alright lets gooo." I kinda yelled. 

|~Time Skip~|

 |~Y/n P.O.V.~| 

 We were walking to Lucinda's door. More like i was running and the boys were walking behind me and laughing and telling me to slow down, but did I NO!! I ran to the door whipped and yelled."GUESS WHO BOO!!!!" I ran into the living room and said. "ME" I fell to the ground laughing. The boys walking in. "Why is she on the floor?" Jax asked. I got up and walked to him and put my hands and head on his chest still laughing. I tried to talk, but I couldn't was was still laughing. "Did you yell Guess who boo?"  He asked. All I could do was laugh that was one of mine and Jax' inside jokes. After I was finished laughing I all got changed. Pic at top

After we got changed we played Truth or Dare.
"Y/n t or d?" Jax said.
"Truth" I said while sitting down.
"Is it true your crush is in the room" Jax asked while wiggling his eyebrows and smirking.
"Uhh yeah" I said while I bushing a light pink.
"Ok T or D.......uhh Travis?" I said.

To be continued

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