chapter one

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Rain's POV.

As I sit in class, picking at my nails, I feel someone staring at me. Actually, a few people are staring. Losers.

"Miss Holland? Are you paying attention?" My Spanish teacher asks while scowling at me. God, you'd think her face would crack if she ever smiled.

"Yes miss."

"Good. Then tell me how to say, 'I love the dogs.' Let's see if you were really paying attention." Oh my- "señorita?"

" me encantan los perros."

"perfecto. Now will you look at the board?"


She glared at me one last time before going back to teaching. Please. I lived in Spain for 5 years. Thanks to some dumb Spanish mafia that my parents got involved with.


"Just give me the god damned gun Eric." I force out of my mouth before I end up punching him in that crooked little nose of his. Jerk.

"You need to promise that you won't start any fights and you'll stick to the plan."

I snatch the gun out of his hand and smirk at him. I load the gun and point it at the ceiling. "Since when do I ever comply to those rules?"

"I'm serious Rain!"

"So am I!"

"By the way, you're failing two classes!" Eric shouts after I begin to walk away. Yeah, sure.

"You wish!" I yell.

"Damn. She always knows." I hear him curse.



I climb into my slick black Lamborghini while 4 of the agents come running towards me shouting random things that I don't even wanna pay attention to.

Just as I'm about to put the key in the ignition, the passenger side door opens and the car tips slightly.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I hiss and find Nolan staring back at me.


"Get out of the car! You can only touch the car if I say so! Now get the hell out!"

He leans towards me and holds something in front of me. It's wrapped in a dark blue velvet material. I can still tell what it is though.

"I was only gonna say that you dropped your knife. I'm here to return it." He calmly states while looking at his hands. They're trembling, he's terrified.

"Thanks." I grab the knife and place it in my lap. "Now get out."

He only has to hear it once before he jumps out of the car and closes the door gently.

I ram the key into the ignition and twist. When the car jolts to life I hit the reverse pedal and look out of the back window.

I squint when some memories of that awful night come rushing back to me.

I do a quick 180° turn when I reach the exit of the lot.

I speed through the barren streets of the 'drug deal grid', or whatever people call it.

I begin to slow when I realise that I'm going to be driving past the police station any minute. I've already had to be bought out of five speeding tickets.

I turn on the radio to distract me from the chilling thoughts that are running through my mind.

As I turn it up, I hear that it's one of my favourite songs.

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