chapter 3

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"I can't resist doing this." He goes to lean foward but moves so his face hovers right next to mine. He bites my ear lobe and I feel my eyes begin to fall closed. Without warning, he sticks something into my injury. My eyes spring open and I take a deep inhale of air and go to cry out in agony.

He slaps his hand over my mouth and pulls back. He pulls away from me completely and rests his body against the wall opposite me. I look down at my shoulder and see a small knife sticking out. I grip the handle of the knife and slowly start to pull it out of my shoulder. I'm aware of how intensely he is watching me, but I don't really care.

I finally manage to pull the knife out of my shoulder. It kills, but I'll live.

"You know? I think I'm gonna start calling you hazel." I hear him moving towards me but I'm soulfully trying to remain conscious. Black spots cloud my vision and my eyes are closing on their own. I feel him grab my arm and yank me up, but I can't stand up. I can hardly stay awake.

He tries to get me to walk but I almost fall. He catches me and decides to just drag me out of the back door. Once we're outside, he picks me up bridal style and begins to walk somewhere. I feel so weak that I can't even hold my head up anymore. Everything becomes fuzzy. That's when the world goes black.

--------Jake's POV--------

I look down at the limp body in my arms and smile. She's beautiful. But she's also stubborn and delicate.

I carry her over to my car, which I parked in the alley way behind the school. I let her legs fall from my grip so that she's basically leaning on me while standing. I open the door and just as I'm about to get her inside the car, an irritating voice haults my actions. "Don't you know it's illegal to kidnap someone.? But I don't think you'll be going to jail for kidnapping her, you'll be killed." My brother comments.

"What are you doing here, Blake?" I seethe.

"What? Am I not allowed to come visit my little brother?" He asks with fake innocence.

"You always want something whenever you 'visit'." I use air quotations when I say visit. Which is a bad idea, as Rain falls from my grip. I'm not quick enough to catch her and I'm sure she's about to obtain worse injuries. Just before she hits the ground, Blake manages to catch her.

He picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. "God. What do they feed her," he looks at Rain's body then back at me,"leftovers? She's as light as a feather."

He lays her down on the back seats of the car and closes the car door.

"So, why you kidnapping this beauty?." He asks, referring to Rain.

"The parents wanna know who she is and why I wasn't able to kill her the other night." I shrug.

"The other night meaning last night?" He quirks an eyebrow. "And by 'you weren't able to kill her' you mean why she practically beat you up?"

"Stop enjoying this so much." I grumble and climb into the drivers seat of the car.

"Whatever." He smiles and gets in the passenger side.


Rain's POV.

I squint my eyes as I see pale blue spots lining my vision.

I feel so weak. I manage to muster up enough strength to lift my head and take in my surroundings.

A door at the other side of the room is cracked open a little, letting a smidge of light creep in.

I drop my head again as I hear footsteps coming this way.
I close my eyes so that whoever it is thinks that I'm still unconscious. Somebody steps inside the room and I stiffen slightly.

I hear a radio turn on and a... kinda squeaky male voice rings out. "See she's still out. I told you so." They leave the room and I look at my feet. My arms are bound behind my back but my feet sure aren't bound. I swing my legs a few times and kick them back. I grab my foot and grab the handle of the silver ring dagger that I keep hidden in my boot. I begin to saw the rope until it snaps. I hear someone walking towards the room that I'm in. I hide behind the door and wait for them to step inside the room.

As soon as their feet pass the threshold, I attack them. I round house the woman in the face and ram my fist into the center of her throat. She grabs her neck and falls to the floor. I grab her gun and pistol whip her. She falls to the floor and grab a fist full of her hair. I haul her to her feet and drag her over to the nearest wall. I hit her head on it until she goes limp in my arms. Out cold. Ha.

I quickly run out of the room but keep my knife in a ready position. I run through the halls and just as I get to the front door, a voice stops me. "Where exactly do you think that you're going?" I slowly turn around and come face to face with a good looking guy. He looks around my age. Maybe a little older though. He has jet black hair and a chisled jaw. What catches my attention the most though, are his striking silver eyes. "I'm Blake." He introduces himself.

I smile a sickly sweet smile and grab the doorknob from behind me. I respond with a witty come back. "And I'm out of here." I fling the door open and run out of there. I jump into the first car that I see and look for the keys. They're still in the ignition. Idiots. I close the car door and start the car. I can hear 'Blake' yelling but I ignore it and step on the gas. Looking back, I take note that I was in a beautiful mansion. I turn my attention back to the road and floor the pedal. When I'm near the school, I ditch the car and walk the rest of the way to the school parking lot. I jump into my car and grab my phone. I call my parents. As soon as they answer, I tell them that I need to talk to them urgently. With that, I hang up, start the car and speed out of the school gates.

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