chapter 4

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I pull up in front of my work place and sigh. Here goes nothing. I get out of my car and walk into the skyscraper.

"I'm gonna kill them!" I shout as I storm into my boss's office. He jumps out of his chair and the file he was looking at slides across the desk. I take a peek into it and see a picture of a middle aged woman. She kinda looks familiar.

"Who?" My boss asks, confused. I walk around the desk and log into my account. I walk over to the door, pull it open and yell out.

"ERIC!" He comes running out of the tech room and stands in front of me. "In." I gesture to the office and he scrambles in. When I notice people staring at me, I decide to scare them into getting to work. "Get to work or I'll shoot all of you in the foot and throw you off the top of the building!" That gets them into gear. I close the door and turn around to face my boss.

He chuckles and I raise my eyebrows. "I'm beginning to think that you have more power in this business than I do." He comments and I laugh with him.

"Why am I here?" Eric asks weakly.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. I need you to do me a favour." He bows and I walk over to the computer with him following close behind. "I need you to hack into one of the CCTV cameras in a gas station close by." He begins to hack into it and I see another three files on the desk. I peak into one of them and see a tall guy, at least 6'7. He has a long scar running down from his left eyebrow all the way to the right side of his jaw. Tomas Fletcher. Father to two and a husband. Brother to three and runs an agency.

"Rain. What time frame?" I look to Eric and recall what time it was. "Yesterday at about... twenty five past six."

As he reminds the footage, my phone begins to ring. "Hello?" I ask as I turn away from Eric and my boss.

"You owe me so bad!" Sydney growls as I hear a car start. I was in my favourite class!" She yells.

"Yeah, right. Math is only your favourite class because you sit next to Dayton." I deadpan. Dayton cross. Sydney's crush since the start of high school. Yup, she's that obsessed and infatuated with him. Even though he is a player, jock, trouble maker and d**k. That is putting it in the best way. :-)

"I'm gonna kill you." She mutters into the phone.

"Sydney, I can easily overpower you and I carry a gun around with me. You got no chance." I smirk.

"I hate you." She gumbles.

"Aww. Love you too babe." We laugh at how I called her babe. When we were kids and boys would pick on us, we had each other listed as babe in our contacts. We would call each other up and we would say things like, 'babe you need to beat up these idiots who are tormenting me.' It would work like a charm.

"See you soon babes." She says before hanging up.

"Uhh. Rain ? What is this?" Eric question as he gets to the right time frame.

"What's what?" I ask as I stride over to the computer. I see myself looking around the darkened area, slowly withdrawing my gun from the waist band of my pants. Cautiously, I raise my gun to my line of vision and edge toward the door. As I'm looking at the security footage, I notice something I payed no heed to before. A metallic silver motor bike. In the darkness I can just make out the shadow of myself crouching down.

I close my eyes in memory of why.

His ragged gasps filled the atmosphere as I held his hand and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. He doesn't deserve this.

I feel the thump of his pulse getting slower, fainter. I know he's going to die. He knows he's going to die. His eyes begin to droop as silent tears leave hot tracks down my cheeks. His pale brown eyes lock on mine and he begins to whisper, giving me a life saving message...

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