chapter 6

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I run into the line of fire. It's stupid, I know. I also know that I shouldn't have done it. But I did.

As I slow to a stop in the middle of the fight, there are punches being thrown from both sides. I catch a fist from the right and apply a mass amount of pressure. I squeeze the guys knuckles so his knees begin to slowly buckle.

Even drunk I'm still a better fighter than any of these bitches.

"You..." I hum. "You should be ashamed."
He looks up in question and my eyes meet a pair of mint green eyes. Something flashes across his face but it's gone as quickly as it came.

"You should think twice about challenging me!" He growls and tries to flip us to make himself the whumper. I twist his arm behind his back. I slowly begin to apply more and more pressure to his arm as I slam him against the wall. Rage overcomes my sense of decision making and rationality. I tighten my grip on his arm and whisper to him.

"I'm the one you should think twice about challenging." I yank his arm upwards and hear a sickening yet remotely satisfying crunch. He screams out in anguish as I smirk and throw him to the floor. I crouch next to him and grab his face, turning it so he faces me. Try getting handsy with someone now that you have a dislocated shoulder now." Challenging people like him is my favourite thing. Especially when I come out on top.

"Bitch..." He whimpers as I stand up straight again.

"The baddest Bitch out here." I laugh at him, shaking my head as I do so.

I walk away, swinging my hair as I walk.


At the moment, I'm strutting through a fancy, bright and pristine hallway at an open house party.

I clutch my red purse tighter to my side as young and old men shoot me suggestive looks.

Hastily, I turn down a deserted hallway. I look around the quiet hallway and notice a few cameras pointed in directions that capture every angle of the corridor.

I pop my lips as I examine the walls. The light blue paint coating the walls bleeds into a navy blue as the wall stretches to the skirting boards.
There are multiple doors that line the hallway, but only one in particular catches my eye. "File office. Staff only."

"Well well, what do we have here?" I tut to myself, shaking my head. Underneath the room name, a notice sign hangs on a single screw, seating softly in the crisp air.
"Ristricted access, high ranking employers only. Anybody who fails to follow restriction signs will be prosecuted."

Looks like they don't want anybody to be snooping around here. Too bad I'm a rule breaker.

I inch towards the door, checking for any witnesses before I draw my gun, point to the cameras and fire. God I love silencers.

I let my fingertips lightly trail across the wall as I stop in front of the door. Lightly letting my fingers meet the cool metal, I press down. Locked. Damn.

Crouching, I slide two Bobby pins from my hair and begin to pick the lock. After a while, the lock clicks and I push slowly down on the handle. Unbalanced, I kick off my heels before walking into the room. My steps are silent as I manoeuvre around corners, always keeping my gun at the ready.

Creaking sounds from above me and I look up. It then hits me. It's a bedroom above me. "Ew, that is disgusting!" Gipping silently, I continue on. I come across a file cabinet and steadily kneel down. I pull open the draw and begin to sift through it.

This cabinet contains the files of people that this company have had assassinated or plan to have assassinated. Which is actually quiet dumb in reality. I pull out a flashlight from my purse and click it on. I begin to flick the files backwards, looking at all of the names.

Tom birch, Lisa hale, Robbie kian, Rachel wood, landon gorak, Dimitri Haddon, Lisa Donaldson. The list just goes on...  Hadley Jepson, Hayley Jepson, Harley Burstein, Bianca Anderson, Rain Holland, Rosen tian, Sophie- wait wait.. What?!

I'm on an assassination list?!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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