chapter 5

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I'm ready for a fight

I grip my knife tightly as he kneels in front of me.

"Back off." I seethe when he goes to touch my face. His hand stops in mid air as I close my eyes in anticipation. And in the hopes that this throbbing in my head will subside. But no.

I'm gonna have such a bad hangover. I'm yanked from my thoughts as I feel a cold hand meet my hot head. I close my eyes from the relief it brings but then remember the current situation. I pull back.

I go to hit the person but, unfortunately due to my sloppy hit, they catch my hand. I go in for another hit but they catch that hand. They hold my hands above my head while I try to rip myself away from them, but my attempts are futile.

Whoever they are, they're faster, stronger and actually sober. They won't be able to hold me when I sober up though and get rid of the hangover that's gonna be looming over me.

I can't run and besides even if I could stand up, I wouldn't get far while being drunk.

I scream in rage as I ball my fists tighter, trying to rip out of their hold and swing for them. "Shut up or I swear to God, I'll kill you." A deep and familiar voice growls out.

"What? Are you gonna sit on me?" The pervert's voice echoed through the empty street. At least they weren't talking to me. An ice cold rage grips me as another person crouches in front of me and I recognize them immediately. Brett Myers.

Please Lord, let this be some sick, twisted hallucination. I beg and pray that this isn't real.

I don't even know why I'm praying, I ain't religious. At all.

But of course this is real. He reaches towards my face and the ice cold rage reaches an all time high. It sobers me up and allows me to regain some of my strength. I snatch my hands away from my supposed captor and move away. I slowly come into a crouch, now recognising the other boy as Theo. Theo Walcott. Brett's best friend. I slowly lift myself, studying them. They mimic my actions and we stand facing each other.

"What are you doing here?" I growl, the aggression clear in my voice.

"I could say the same for you." He smirks cockily. That adds fuel to my fire. My face twists up into an expression of violent anger and I take a threatening step forward. He steps forward too.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are-" he abruptly cuts me off.

"Brett Myers. I don't know what game you play or why everyone is afraid of you, but just know, it won't work on us. Any of us." He scowls as I begin to laugh. It's only got a quarter of humour in it, the rest is cold and lethal.

"Game? Oh honey, I don't play games. I don't waste my time on child's play like you might. But just know," I mimic his earlier words, "your games aren't going to work on me. And by the way, I'm the real deal." With that, I turn around, flicking my hair at them and walk away. Well, more like stumble.

Ahh. These heels are real killers.

I stop and lean one hand against the wall while I undo my heels with the other. I pull them off my feet and carry them as I begin to walk. I suddenly get the urge to vomit as I turn into a dark alley way. I grab onto one of the large dumpsters as I begin to gag. 

I fall to my knees as I bring up half the alcohol I consumed.

I hear it splat on the ground as the gagging becomes more violent. I hear footsteps before a voice with a Jamaican accent rings out. "Hey. Are you okay?"

I don't reply. I can't reply in all honesty. I just keep throwing up. My throat burns and tears are streaming down my face. My breath catches in my throat as I feel the hand pull my hair behind my shoulders.

It's a caring and gentle action and I'm pretty sure I already know who it is. Lloyd Clark. He is known for his caring and compassionate nature towards practicality everyone. As the gagging and urges to throw up decrease, I look to my right to see that I am correct with my assumption.

I begin to hear the slaps and crackles of skin meeting skin. There's a fight. Lloyd offers me his hand in order for me to stand up and I begrudgingly accept. I stumble past him in a rush to see what's happening.

I round the corner to see Theo holding Brett away from the dude who was harassing me. The dude is glowering at Brett and slowly wipes his bloody lips with the back of his hands. When he pulls his hand away, it is coated with blood. He suddenly jumps for Brett and I can't help my actions. It's purely impulse, I'm sure of it, but I jump into the line of fire.

Hey guys. Really short chapter this time and I'm sorry for not updating in so long. I just really haven't been able to find the time. I promises that the next chapter will be so much longer.

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