chapter 2

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As soon as he said those words, I knew what was to come. Purely by instinct, I put my finger on the trigger and responded. "I'd be careful if I were you, I don't have very good tolerance. Besides, my trigger finger is itching, I haven't killed someone in a while."

"Feisty. I like it." He licked his lips before a sickening smile graced his face.

"Lower your gun or so help me, I will shoot you." I threaten him.

I slowly stand up and we begin to move in a circle, examining the opponents weaknesses. "Where I come from, we call this a stand off." He comments.

His voice reminds me of nails being dragged across a chalkboard. I'll kill him.

Just as I was about to make a move, I notice a red laser light. Oh God.

He sees it too. I jump out of the way before I'm shot in the heart and dive behind the counter. I hiss in pain as I see the crimson liquid trickle down my arm. That coward shot me in the shoulder.

I manage to peak over the edge of the counter to see where he is.

I notice him beginning to advance towards my cover spot and I make an impulsive yet highly effective choice. I look at the back door that's merely 10feet away from me. I jump to my feet and aim. I shoot the blonde guy in the leg and he falls. He goes to shoot me but I'm to quick. I shoot his hand and he drops the gun, whimpering in pain.

I make a break for the back door. I run out and race to my car. I jump in my car, ram the keys in the ignition, turn the keys and speed out as soon as the car starts.

I grab my phone and dial my friends number. She is the only person at school who knows about me.

"Hello?" Her voice comes out groggy, informing me that she's just woken up.

"Warehouse. Now." Is all I say before I hang up. "Come on,"I mutter, pressing down on the gas pedal.


"Who did you say he was?" Sydney asks while filling a needle with anaesthetic.

"I don't know, I was too busy trying not to die to be bothered about introductions. I could try to ask next time he comes to kill me if you want me to." She goes to inject me with the anaesthetic, but I stop her. "I don't need that."

"Are you sure?" Confusion and worry is clear on her face. "Look, you can't punish yourself because of what happened."

"If I were punishing myself, things would be much worse." I respond calmly.

I grab an apple from next to me and bite into it. I move me arm and wince when I feel pain radiate throughout my arm.

"Stop bloody moving man!" She yells and moves my arm into the previous position it was in. "I'm sorry about this."


"Man you really know how to put me in more pain than before." I jump off of the table and hiss. I swear, if I ever see that blonde idiot, I'll rip his throat out.

"So you basically got jumped?" She asks with caution.

"Yes Sydney, I basically got jumped." I roll my eyes at her.

"How come you didn't kill him? I mean you're a perfect shot and all, you could have just got in a head shot or a heart shot." She rambles.

"I'm not a perfect shot when I've got a bullet lodged in my shoulder." I grumble angrily.

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