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Luckily, that was solved soon after.
A ray of light shone through a doorway, revealing a flock of grey, stone stairs.
A figure, only slightly visible because of the faint light given by the open door, started moving around the cells, throwing food into each one as he passed. He stopped at your cell, Cobby scrambling around to grab the bag of whatever gross recipe was shoved inside it.

Guess its not solved after all.

Cobby's small and thin physique was clearer now, his dusty white hair long and tangled. The cell was only the size of a small room.

•"Y/n." A deep, velvety voice calls, his face close to the bars of your cell and a tone of anger echoing around the room.
•"We're going hunting in a bit. You're coming."

You stand up.
•"WHERE'S MY FATHER-" You were meant to scream, but were cut off by the throbbing pain in your head. Whining, you slump back down as the door clicks shut and the cell remains dark.
Cobby's exaggerated eating sounds echo around the room filling you with disgust.

He left, and didn't allow you to say anything - which is fine.
What were you supposed to say to one of Capeiria 's 7 princes?

Chapter 3:

•"Come on." Somebody growls from outside the cell, awakening you from your slumber with a jump.

You stand up, slowly this time, ignoring the dulling pain in your forehead. You slip behind the now unlocked door as Cobby snores loudly in the opposite corner of the cell. Your hands are tied behind your back hastily, and you're ordered to follow the hooded prince.

His cloak is purple, small raindrops carefully sewn into it. You have to admit, it's beautiful.

Your dress is now a rag, and you feel like a peasant next to him.

He pulls you up the grey stone stairs you'd seen earlier, each step more painful for your throbbing head.

You're met with 6 other hooded men at the top of the stairs. Their eyes are covered by their draped cloaks, only their jaws and lips visible. You hear mumbles of anger and disgust, and the man who had taken you from your cell turns around to look at you.

Your heart beats wildly. He clenches his jaw, passing you a spear.

What is this for? You yelp.

•"You have to kill your father." A man with smaller physique walks forward, cackling.

•"Don't be an idiot, Yoongi," Says a prince in green, gulping as his voice box moved upward.

•"We're going hunting. Taeyhung said he told you that." He tuts.

•"I did." Taeyhung replies, growling.

You blush as you're lead out the castle's back gates, the men silent the whole time. The green-hooded prince drags you by your tied up hands, and, breaking the silence, asks

•"Do you know how to use a spear?"

Just then, a large bear charges out of a grove of trees, running at you.

Your hands are untied now, and you clench the spear tightly.

But you weren't going to kill the bear.

You couldn't. You could see a little cub not far off dancing in the grass.

The bear is only a metre away now, and pounces.

But her weight is released from on top of you as it flops to one side.

•"Namjoon! You idiot!" Yoongi curses, dropping his spear.

•"She was about to die. That was our plan, wasn't it?" He growls, and the others nod in agreement.

But you can't see anbody near you - only see an outstretched hand under a black cloak with blue swirls. You sit up, your eyes flashing. What the hell just happened? There is no visible blood on the bear's body, nor yours.

A yellow hooded prince takes his hood down and tuts, his frizzy blonde hair cascading over his eyes and sharp jaw unclenching.

•"It's magic, Y/n," He raises an eyebrow.

•"You should know that."

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