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Jin tuts from across the room, reaching his arm out to gently push the furious Namjoon to the side.

•"That's not entirely true. I think its about time we tell her."

•"No!" Namjoon spat, flinging Jin's arm off.

•"She doesn't deserve to know."

•"Finally you can understand where I'm coming from!" Yoongi blurted, interrupting Namjoon who carries on straight after anyway.

•"I wish I'd just decided to leave her. After all, nothing's happened. I thought a battle would break out or something, but it turns out she's as unimportant to Yeilltown as she is to us."

They're literally talking as though you're not there.

But their words are the same as what's being repeated in your head.

A small fraction of your heart had hoped that your father would return and take you back to Yeilltown to continue with your perfect life.

But that fraction had been ripped out of your heart and had been replaced with hate and anger.

It had become clear now that - despite your constant overthinking - your fate was right in front of you.

Being constantly moved around a variation of cells had been your lifestyle for the past two weeks, and you were sure it would remain that way.

"I have a great idea," Jimin smirked maliciously.

•"How about we let Jungkook tell her."

•"Nope." Jin said, shaking his head.
•"That, Jimin, is an awful idea. She wouldn't make it out alive after what's happened."

•"I think she deserves to know why she wouldn't make it out alive. Come on hyung, why do you even care? We were going to kill her anyway, weren't we? Is there something we need to know?"

Chapter 7:

Jin sat you down on the armchair in the corner of Jungkook's room.
He was sat on the edge of his bed, face in hands.

Jin closed the door behind him, leaving with a pitiful look on his face.

You sat staring at the man who could possibly result in your death.

He hadn't moved once since you entered the room, and you couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been this way.

Slowly, he removed his veiny hands from his face, looking up to stare straight into your soul with cold, angry eyes.

His biceps were bulging, but you could only focus on his un-hooded face.

There was something enchanting - despite the red tear stains - about it.

Each feature was enhanced by the immense beauty of his coffee-coloured eyes, sparkling as they caught any glint of sunlight. His soft lips were placed perfectly, directly in the middle of his stunningly symmetrical face.

You just couldn't stop staring.

Every time you attempted to look away your eyes were drawn right back.

If it weren't for his sudden husky scream of anger, you wouldn't have been able to stop yourself from admiring him.

You jumped back into the armchair, as close to the back of it as possible and grasped the arms uncontrollably.

•"Do you realise what you've done?!" He yelled, standing up to belittle you even further whilst angry tears fell down his face.

•"You're so perfect you don't even know what your father even is."

•"You don't know what he's done to destroy my life." He screamed.

•"I could kill you so easily, Y/n, you don't even understand.."

He sat down, breathing in to calm himself down and wiping his tears with the rim of his t-shirt.

•"Please... tell me what he did. I can't live with this anymore." You squeak.

•"My mother died when I was a child." Jungkook says, staring at the floor.

•"Originally, she was married to your father after mine went off with another woman."

•"They were happy together, but I started to get in the way. Your father wanted a child of his own. He treated my mother so badly, she started to slowly hate him."

•"He would do awful things, and my mother would tell the maid everything."

•"But the maid didn't actually care. She was offered a grand amount of money in order to tell the local journalist everything. Your father's secret was out, and that night when my mother was going to bed, he forced me to pretend to not care about her, to pretend to hate her, or he would kill me."

•"I didn't tell my mother. I didn't want to worry her, but I also didn't want to die."

•"I kept the promise. I would ignore my mother for months on end, until she was the one to end it all. I was the one to find out."

•"Your father moved on to your mother, the queen of Yeilltown, in order to gain royalty again. My uncle stepped in with his six sons to rule Capeira, and this is how its been since we were kids."

•"Just before your father left, he cursed me. Every night I would have the same nightmare, crying and screaming in my sleep, where I was forced to watch everything all over again. Every. Single. Night. It then turned darker, where I'd have to be chained to my bed so that I didn't harm anyone in my sleep."

•"Eventually, my uncle made a pendant out of one of my mother's old gemstones. It protected me from the curse and ensured I didn't have my nightmares. But my uncle is dead now - old age. There's nothing here for me, and its all you fault, Princess Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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