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Slowly and unsurely, you stand up, your legs wobbling.

There was no explanation to what had just happened, and you didn't know how to react.

What would happen now? You thought someone would've found you and locked you up again, but you remained alone and standing in the hallway.

A rush of fear struck your body.

That pendant had been so important that one of the toughest men in the empire had broken into tears and had even told you he hated you.

You knew there would be a bad outcome, but something prevented you from running through the forest and returning to the safety of your room to see Yanna, and tell her everything as she made you a delicious meal of beef stew.

You didn't want to see your father, either.
It was like he didn't care about you at all.

And he wasn't dead - supporting your theory - because otherwise, as the heiress, you would've been hunted down to replace him.

The silence of the hallway was broken by the soft patting noise of paws.

You moved a strand of tear-soaked hair from your face to see the cub, once again staring at you lovingly and curled up at your feet.

•"What do you want?" You croaked.

Suddenly, images of your mother flashed through your head.

In every quick image, she was accompanied by a bear.

It was clear it had been your mother's best friend, loving her in the hardest times and playing with her for hours on end since she was only young.

Its features were similar to the cub's; glossy black fur, round chocolate eyes, and a wet nose.

You mother looked calm and happy - emotions you'd never seen her experience when you were just a young child.

You collapse onto your knees and embrace the cub. This was the relative bear to the one who had brought your mother - when she'd been alive - so much happiness.

Now you could understand the connection, and hoped that one day the bear could bring joy to your life too.

You could hear footsteps in the distance, and the faint call of your name

•"Go!" You whispered to the cub, urging it away from you with your foot.

...and it did.

It disappeared, right in front of you, with a sparkle of light.

Chapter 6:

•"I guess we know where the pendant was." Yoongi said blandly, kicking you in the stomach.

But nobody stopped him this time.

Instead, they all looked at you with hate in their eyes as you stood there helplessly.

But you didn't really care anymore; nobody did.

Not even my own father.

You thought, perplexed in a storm of emotion but striving to not show any.

They can kick me as much as they wish, it won't do anything.

They should've just left me alone, instead of, for whatever reason, kidnapping me.

I'll just continue to stand here - to feel worthless.

Because what do I do now? I'll be a prisoner forever.

Nobody's coming to look for me any time soon.

Namjoon's shouts of anger shocked you, making you fall over and snap out of it.

•"Do you realise what you've done!?" His voice boomed around the hall as you lay on the floor.

•"Without that pendant, we're all done for... and you're going to be the first to die."

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