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You're walked through the various hallways, each one warmly lit with lanterns and panelled with oak. The princes had gone off into the woods for their daily hunting, leaving you alone with Yoongi, who pushes you through the grand doorway into a equally grand hall.

Swirls of gold and intricate patterns made most of the ceiling, and circular columns supported ivory sculptures.

In the centre of the hall, underneath a twinkling chandelier, was a mahogany table, big enough to seat roughly thirty people.

In all fairness, the hall wasn't much different to the one back at your house.

But there was something different about it - despite its size, it was cosy and beckoned you in.

Yoongi whistled and, instantly, a small lady in a maid's uniform strutted quickly across the room to where you stood.

•"Bring some food." He yawned.

She nodded, exiting the room with a quick-walk.

You sit down on the red-cushioned dining chair, your hands turning a light purple colour as the blood was slowly cut off due to the tight rope.

Within a few minutes, the maid returns with a large plate of venison roast in-hand, settling it in the middle of you and Yoongi.

Your stomach churns painfully and you suddenly feel the need to throw up. You realise you haven't eaten in almost four days.

Yoongi's hand slowly reaches for the plate, pinching the side of it and dragging it toward him.

•"Yum." He whispers, reaching for his knife and fork as a smirk stretches across his face.

He cuts a slice of the venison and chews it leisurely as you watch, completely shocked.

•"Oh, you didn't think it was for you, did you?"

•"Please!" You cry in desperation, watching the delicious food disappear down his throat until you can't stand it anymore.

•"You don't deserve anything, Y/n. Any of us could've killed you, but we can't, because Namjoon and Jin seem to want you alive. We hate you. There's no reason for me to keep you healthy, so..."

He puts his legs up on the table and picks up another slice of perfectly seasoned meat, observing it painstakingly and taking his time to chew it purposely.

You try to not watch.

Instead, you glare at the rope which is making your hands tingle with pain, unsure as to why until, thread-by-thread, it starts to rip.

Yoongi turns his head, smashing his hand down on the plate..

•"Stop!" He hisses, putting his hand on his forehead.

•"I can feel that!"

You shake out your hand, now stretching the left one out and flexing it as Yoongi's hand freezes.

Ha. He wasn't going to get away with that.

You contentedly grab the fork out of his frozen hand, plopping back down onto your seat and flavouring the meat he was so close to finishing.

•"Ohh, it really is good, isn't it?" You say neutrally, a smile curving your lips up at the sides.

•"Unfreeze my hand." Yoongi said through gritted teeth.

•"You don't deserve anything" You mimic.

•"Now." He growls as you feel a surging pain in your head. You gasp, dropping the fork.

A small blue orb starts to form in his hand, swirling angrily as it grows larger.

•"Wait!" You shriek, protecting your eyes from the intense light radiating off the orb.

You stretch your hand out focusing on Yoongi's frozen one, the surge in your head dying down as the orb disappears.

For a minute, you sit in silence, voices of the 6 worried princes echoing around the hallway until they burst into the room.

... To find you and Yoongi sat down in silence as you munched away at the remains of your dinner.

•"See Namjoon? I knew leaving Yoongi with Y/n wasn't a good idea-" Jin protested, the corner of his mouth raising in confusion.

Yoongi stood up.

•"There was a little accident." He mumbled, pushing past his brothers and exiting the room.

They all stood there, taking in what happened in shock until Jin walked forward.

•"I'll take you to a room." He smiled.

•"What the hell!?" Jimin spat

•"She is not getting the luxury of a room."

Jin turned around, his hand clasping your wrist as you stood up.

•"In the maid's quarters. Don't worry, she'll be locked up."

And with that, you trudged out of the hall behind him.

Chapter 5:

As you descended down the stairs, the air you were breathing turned cold and stale. Your attention was diverted toward the various cockroaches hopping around in the dark.

Jin pushed open a creaky door, revealing a small dusty room.
In the centre there was a basic four-posted bed, a plain sheet blanket strewn across it.
The only thing beside it was a tin bathing tub and a small fireplace, a cauldron of water hanging limply on top of it.
A small window at the top of the wall allowed a fair amount of light to stream through.

•"Have a good night" Jin yawned, locking the door behind him.

But you probably won't, because a few minutes after he leaves, you hear tapping on the small window.

The bear cub sits behind it, watching you intently. There's something off.

And this cub is something to do with it.

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