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A beam of sunlight hits your eyes, forcing you to wake up with shots of cramp in your neck.

You moan, lifting your back up so that you can see a curled-up brown cub sleeping peacefully in between your legs.

Normally, shock would wrack your body and you would jump up, calling for your maid.

1) Your neck has cramp.

2) You're a prisoner to your rival city's royalty, nowhere near your own. And you have no company - its obvious your father had been more protected than you the day you were kidnapped.

3) Strangely, this bear brings peace making you feel safe and comfortable around it and you can't bring yourself to feel any emotions other than love.

You lie back down, enjoying the warmth radiating of the cub's body and shutting your heavy eyelids to return to your (not so heavy) sleep, unconcerned about how and why the infant bear got here.

... sleep, for a few minutes until Jimin kicks through the door.

You gasp, falling of your bed and immediately standing up again to look for the cub.

Nope. Gone. Not a trace of hair to be found.

•"What are you doing?..." Jimin scoffed, raising an eyebrow and grabbing your arm forcingly.

•"What are you doing, Jimin?" You growl as he pulls you out of the room, walking up the worn stairs from the dusty maid's quarters.

•"Don't you want breakfast?"

Your eyes light up.

•"Yes yes yes! I want breakfast!" You squeak, thinking about the delicious food you'd eaten the night before.

•"You're not getting any."

He pushed you down onto the floor.

At that moment it had become apparent that you were in the living hall.

6 hooded men peer down at you, and for a second you're frozen in a sprawled-out position, intimidated, until the green-hooded one, Jin, reaches his arm out and pulls you up to sit on a red-cushioned chair.

•"So, Y/n." Namjoon says from across the room when you've finally taken note of your surroundings.

•"Tell us, where is Jungkook's pendant?"

All the curse words you'd been told strictly not to say as a child rushed through your head.

How did they know?

You sit in silence for a few seconds, looking down, until you're forced to make direct eye contact with the prince of Capeira.

•"I don't know." You lie, and strangely, it had appeared believable.

•"I don't know what you're talking about." You shrug.

After all, the pendant couldn't be that important if its absence had only just been noticed.
You assume that it must be some kind of family heirloom, and decide to keep the secret hidden.

•"My question is..." You bite your lip.
•"Where's my father?"

More silence.

Your heart ached with sadness.
Could it be that your father just didn't care? You had been a prisoner for over a week, and there was no sign of him.

... surely that wasn't right. After all, if you weren't important, you wouldn't have been kidnapped. You are the heiress of Yeilltown for gods' sake.
Without you, the city's royalty would fall completely.

You sit up in your chair at this thought.

That's right, you're an important person. They can't treat you like this when they must've kidnapped you for a reason.

You tilt your chin up.

•"Where is my father?" You say shakily, half wanting a reply and half dreading one.

•"... I cant tell you."

Namjoon crossed his legs calmly, seemingly testing your nerve.
You stand up, letting your anger and confusion get the best of you, and pounce onto him, screaming.

Immediately, strong arms grasp around your waist and sling you backwards. You flail your legs around helplessly, twisting your upper body to hit the black-hooded member who'd robbed you of your freedom.

He walked out of the hall and down the hallway silently, not even acknowledging your struggle.

It was then that, in desperation and confusion, you came up with a quick plan.

It was clear now you were being taken back to the cells, not the basic comfort of the maid's quarters.

You see a fireplace in the distance, small flames dancing calmly in the light breeze of the castle hallways.

This was your chance.

Leaning into Jungkook for balance, you quickly tuck your shaky hand into your bra, grabbing the chain of the pendant.

You aim at your target and fling the pendant at it, satisfaction rippling down your body as the neon fire devoured it.

A small cry escaped Jungkook's mouth, and you felt your body hit the ground hard as he ran toward the fireplace.

For a second, he watched the pendant lose its glow mournfully and helplessly.

Then, bright blue beams of light reflected around the room, blinding your eyes as you scuttled around the floor in a scared attempt to escape.

You opened them to see Jungkook's tall figure hovering over you.
You couldn't see his face, but you could feel his eyes burn through his hood.

•"I hate you." He said, and with that, you knew by his cold tone he really did mean it.

He was gone, leaving you in a seemingly now-normal scene as the light dimmed down to recap what on Earth had just occurred.

Holy shit.

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