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It's now Saturday and the Halloween party is starting in 30 minutes, Tray, Dan and I have already gotten costumes. Dan is Black Panther, Tray is a "gangster"🤦🏾‍♀️🙄and I dressed up as a queen.

We walked around trick or treating for around an hour and a half before heading to the party.

"Hey!" Michael says opening the door. "So glad you could make it!"

"Yeah we are too." I say taking Tray and Dan by the hand. We walk in to see cute Halloween decorations and a snack table. Carmen, another girl from work, brings her stepson Aiden and there's a couple other kids. Dan runs off to talk to the other kids as me and Tray stand near the snack table.

"Hey girl!" Nique says making her way towards me.

"Oh hey!" I say. "I thought you weren't coming!"

"Girl you know I had to see what Michael's fine ass was gonna be." She says looking in his direction.

"You are a mess!" I say. "Oh by the way this is Tray, the guy I was talking to you about." I say pulling Tray towards me.

"Oh yeah!" She says. "Hi I'm Nique." She says shaking Tray's hand.

"Aight Girl I'm finna head out. This not really my scene on a Saturday night." Nique says.

"Ok sus see you later!" I say.

The party is pretty boring and I'm ready to go home but Dan has to take a "number 2" and can't wait till we get home so Tray takes him into the bathroom.

"Hey!" Michael says walking up to me.

"Hey Michael." I say.

"I've been trying to catch you all night. You leaving already?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm getting tired and we have to take Dan to his father's in the morning." I say.

"Ok well I guess it was being in your presence." Michael says as he bows down. He always makes me laugh in the corniest way.

"You're such a nice guy Michael. You'll find someone who see's that soon enough." I say patting him on the shoulder.

"What if I don't want a "someone" He says making me stop in my tracks.

"What?" I ask turning around.

"Airi I've been giving hint after hint after hint and honestly I'm just tired of being ignored." He says.

"Michael I told you the second we met that I had someone for me already. I'm sorry." I say walking away right into Tray holding Dan's hand.

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