New Beginings.

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It's been six months since Tray left me and at the moment I am 7 months pregnant.

I found out I was pregnant when I was about 3 months and I felt a kick and at that point I knew I had to go to the doctor. It was during Tray and I's break but within that time of 7 months I also had sex with Armon. I know I'm such a fuck up.

I've been hiding my belly at work and in public so the only people that know of my pregnancy is my mother and Daniel. I've been doing much better now. After Tray left Armon told me how he felt and I told I wasn't ready for another relationship but whenever I need him he's there for me.

Anyways this morning I realized I had no clean clothes because I was too lazy to wash them. So I had to wear this sheer pink blouse and black pants which wasn't tight but still showed my belly so I put on a thick jacket over it. I look a hot mess.

I head out and drop my now 4 year old son, Daniel at his kindergarten. I got back in the car and since I had about 30 minutes left I decided to stop at Dunkin Donuts.

I walk into the building and stand in the long line of people. It's way too hot in here, I start to see more than one of everything.

"Airi?!" I turn my head to see Tray and he's the last thing I see before I black out.

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