Im Not Gay

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Hi. I'm Liam, I wish I could tell you that I was in a lovely situation now with one of my best friends, where we are just relaxing and playing video games. That is not the situation I am in. I am stuck in a lift with Theo Raeken. I do not like Theo in fact I hate him, and he hates me. Anyway I won't bore you with the details of our awful relationship, soon enough you'll be able to see for yourself...

"Theo, banging on the doors is not going to get you out, do you think there just gonna open and we can step out and leave? Idiot." I said.
"Okay Liam, then let's here your brilliant plan. Hmm? Oh that's right you don't have one." He said. God he is such a dick.

"Look I'll call Scott... no service." I said. Theo looked really stressed and it wasn't because we were fighting, it was something else. "Theo, are you okay?"
"I'm fine Liam." He said and he pushed off the door and sat down. "I don't like small spaces that's all."
I sat down next to him. "It's okay, I don't either, but soon enough someone's going realise the lift isn't working and they'll come to help okay?" I said.
"Why are you being nice?" Theo said, not in a horrible way though, in a kind of genuine, curious side I've never seen of him.
"I'm not. I'm just trying to help." I said.

We sat in silence for a while and then he got up and started banging the doors again.
"Theo haven't we already done this. No one came so maybe you should stop." I said, getting up and standing behind him. "Just relax."

He was freaking out and I didn't know how to calm him so I grabbed his waist and turned him around so that he was facing me. I sort of grabbed his arm in a really manly way and tried to make him sit down again. There was a moment, I'm not sure what it was, but there was something, it was weird because it wasn't hatred.

"Why did you do that?" He said.
"Do what? I was trying to calm you down." I said.
"It worked, but the way you did it. It felt—
Before he could finish I cut him off.
"It didn't feel like anything. Stop being weird." I said.
We sat in silence for about 5 minutes and then I could feel my hand slowly being held. I looked at Theo and he was looking straight in front of him, so I just looked in front of myself too. We sat there for another 5 minutes in silence, hands were still holding each other. I'm not gay. I don't know why I didn't try to wriggle my way out. But I'm not gay.

"I'm sorry what's going on here—
Before I could finish Theo grabbed my face and pushed his lips up against mine, I immediately pulled away.

"What do you think your doing?" I said.
"Erm kissing you, what does it look like?" He said.
"Yeah well I don't want to kiss you because I'm not gay." I said.
"Well I don't want to kiss you either." He said.
I'm so confused.
"So why did you kiss me then?" I said.
"Just forget it Liam." He said.
Well that didn't end like most of our arguments, that took a slightly different turn.

Soon enough we were out the lift and he went back to his house and I went back to mine. I kinda felt weird but not how I expected to feel when I guy kissed me, it almost felt right. Anyway it doesn't matter because I'm not gay, and that's the end of it.

Until 2 minutes later when I heard my doorbell ring....

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