This Was Home

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The shower was running still and Theo rummaged his fingers through my hair. I was kissing his neck and all around his body. To be honest two days ago if you asked me 'would you get in a shower and fuck Theo?' I would have probably called you a freak and hit you. If you asked me right now the answer would be
Y E S. It just felt right you know? Like nothing else I've ever felt. I can't explain it, it just works.

It lasted like 25 minutes and then we got out. He put his boxers on and sat on my bed. So I did the same. I just lay on top of him for a bit. Like nothing sexual. I just lay there listening to his heart. It was nice.

"Are you okay?" He said.
"Yeah. I'm listening to your heart." I said.
"Why are you doing that?" He said.
"I don't know. It just makes me feel calm." I said.
"Good." He said. I just lay like that for a bit longer. I wanted to remember how it felt. Just in case I never got to do it again. It's so strange but listening to his heart made me feel, well it made me feel like I was home. He made me feel like I was home.

"He just brushed his fingers through my hair and I looked up at him with my chin on his chest, I worked my way up his body and kissed him. I rolled over and he rolled on top of me. He sat there with his head on my chest. He was listening to my heart.
"Nice isn't it?" I said.
"Yeah. Yeah it is." He said, grabbing my hand.
"How did this happen?" I said. "Not that I'm complaining, but we hated each other. Now this."
"I always knew. When I was fighting you all those times, I was trying to fight the feeling that I liked you. Trying to resist it because I knew you would never feel the same. It was that day in the elevator where I thought for a split second that you felt the same." He said.

"I didn't at first. In fact the idea repulsed me. But the more I thought about it, I realised I was literally doing the same thing, I was trying to fight it, I was trying to feel so disgusted by the idea, but in honesty. It didn't disgust me, in fact i didn't even mind it. And now, we are here and you've made me feel happier in the last two days than I have ever felt. I never knew a dude could make me feel like this. But to be honest. I wouldn't want it any other way." I said.

He smiled at me and rolled over to face the other way. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my body up against his. This was it. This was home.

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