How Do You Know Your Straight?

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I went down stairs and opened the door. Theo stood there in the rain absolutely soaked.
"Liam I—
For some odd reason, I didn't let him finish I just wrapped my arms around his waist and looked at him.
"What are you doing?" He said.
"I don't really know." I said.
"Well could you release me so I can come in and talk to you?" He said.
"Yeah. Yeah sorry." I said and let go of him.
Really not sure why I did that.
He came in and we went to my room and sat down on my bed.
"Look I'm sorry I don't know why I just did that." I said.
"Yeah well I'm sorry too. I shouldn't of kissed you if it wasn't what you wanted." He said. "That's it. I'm gonna go now"
As he got up I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.
"Was it what you wanted?" I said.
"Liam I should go—
Again, I interrupted him and pulled his face closer too mine.
"Liam really. I should go." He said, but not pulling away.
"You don't have to go." I said.

We both lent in and kissed. This time I kind of did want it. And trust me, I could tell he did too. We lay back onto my bed still kissing. After like 10 minutes of nothing but snogging each others faces off. We fell asleep on my bed. In the morning I woke up and Theo was asleep on the other side of the bed, I was going to wake him but it's a Saturday so I thought I shouldn't.

After about 10 minutes he woke up and rolled over.
"Hi." He said in a tired morning kind of voice.
"Hi." I said. We lay on the bed just looking at each other.
"How'd this happen then? Oh I'm not gay" he said mimicking me.
"Oh shut up." I said laughing. "Theo. Are you gay?"
"I mean I've liked girls before. But I've liked guys too. I guess I'm bi." He said.
"How do you know your bi?" I said
"How do you know your straight?" He said smiling.

His point was very good. I could be bi too I guess.. or maybe i couldn't. Maybe I'm just being a hormonal teenager. I don't know. It's not the easiest thing you know, trying to figure out yourself. I think I'll talk to Scott, he won't be happy about Theo, but I think he can help me figure myself out.

"Look I've gotta go." Theo said. "Do you want me to come over later?"
"Yeah." I said. I tried to be all calm and cool but I was literally screaming inside because... well because Theo is just exciting, I've liked him all but one day and it's pretty amazing.

"Okay. See you later." He said and he walked out the room, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. I kneeled up on the bed and he bent down and kissed me. Then he left. I kind of smiled to myself and got dressed.

I left my house and got in my car and was ready to go meet Scott. I text him asking him if I could come over and he said yes. Here goes nothing....

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