Welcome To The Club Dude

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"Hey Liam. I'm really sorry to rush you but I've gotta be out in 20 minutes so just tell me whatever it is as quick as you can." Scott said.

"I nearly had sex last night." I said. I mean we didn't, but we weren't far off in all honestly.
"Okay. Erm good for you man. Is that it?" He said.
"No." I said and I walked in and sat on his couch.
"Come in then." Scott said. "Are you okay?"
"Not really." I said.
"Who is she?" Scott said.
"No, Scott. Erm." I said and I didn't know how to get my words out.
"Liam?" He said.
"It wasn't.. okay. Here we go I'm just gonna say it." I said.
"Liam just tell me." He said.
Oh my god I'm just gonna say it one two three:
"It wasn't a girl Scott. It was a guy." I said.
"Your gay?" He said.
I rolled my eyes.
"What?" He said.
"That's it?" I said and Scott looked confused. "Oh never mind, look I don't know if I'm gay, straight, bi or whatever I am. That's why I'm here."
"Liam I can't help you figure that out." He said. "You will figure it out over time and only you. No one else can tell you what your are. But just know whenever you figure it out, whatever you are, no one will love you or support you any less. We are brothers Liam. I'm here for you no matter what, okay?"

"Wow thanks. That actually really helped Scott. Don't you wanna know who it is?" I said.
"I'm sure your gonna tell me." He said.
Oh Christ.
"Well actually, I don't think you'd approve." I said.
"You don't need my approval. You make your own decisions." He said. "It's Theo isn't it?"
"What er no. No why would you say that?" I said.
"I've seen the way you are around each other. And it's okay, by the way. I don't mind Theo as much now, I think he's changed, and I think you could help him. Also I think you'd be really good together." He said.

That was easy. I left Scott's house feeling quite happy with what we said. I mean he might not have meant what he said about liking Theo. But oh well it's good enough for me.

I went to see mason and told him what happened. He literally just said "welcome to the club dude." And that was our conversation done. I know mason will always support me.

Anyway after that, I went home and waited for Theo. I didn't know when he was going to be here so I decided I'd take a quick shower.

I was just about done in the shower when I heard my bathroom door creak open. I swear to god if my mom walks in on me showering one my time I'm going to scream.

There was definitely someone in my bathroom but I could just here clothes rustling, but no one spoke. I figured it was just my mom getting my laundry, until my shower curtain was being slowly pulled back. I stood there in shock as Theo stood in front of me completely naked.

"Your dad let me in." He said stepping into my shower and holding my waist tight.

I've never had sex before let alone shower sex. Scared is one word for it...

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