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Oh, you acting reckless I told you that I need affection - post malone & justin bieber

"Shit." Sergio ruffled his hair and punched his bag.

Gerard rolled his eyes. "What?"

"Look, they're so fucking annoying."

Gerard bit his lip and looked nervously at Sergio. "Well, that's the press." He sighed.

"Yeah, well, but they don't have to be so fucking annoying about it."

"Well, you did kiss me in front of the whole entire world."

Sergio scoffed, looking up from his phone. "So?"

"Jesus, they're obviously going to write something about that right? I mean, it's the press."

"Whatever, pussy."

"Well, you obviously didn't come here just to give me a kiss didn't you?" Gerard scoffed.

Sergio lay down and closed his eyes. He exhaled deeply. For the first time in a while, he didn't know what to do. His head hurt from trying to find an answer and finding nothing. It's like trying to do some math question that only the teacher knows the answer too.

Gerard sat down next to Sergio and looked at him. "Jesus, you okay? You look like your dying, and I don't want you to die."

"Shut up, Pique," Sergio grunted.

"Are you telling me to shut up? Well, hoe, let me telling you something: I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you."

Sergio opened his eyes and blinked several times in fake shock. "Bitch, did you just call me a hoe? I'll call you my bitch or my side chick from now on. And fuck no, you're not the only guy I'm talking to."

"Jesus Christ, you're an idiot."

"Says you, dumbass."

"I love you, though."

Sergio chuckled and shook his head. "Point proven." Gerard tackled Sergio onto the ground and began to wrestle him. "Gerard! S - stop."

"Nah, I'm good."

Within a second, the door swung open revealing Gerard's mother with a broom in her hand."Excuse me, but what are you two boys doing? Son, I am very disappointed in you." Gerard's mother frowned as she had her hand on her hip.

"Jesus, Madre. what are you doing here?"

"What are you saying, Son?"

"Don't you have your own home? You practically live here now," Gerard retorted.

"So? I can visit my son if I wanted to."

"Sure, sure," Gerard retorted again.

Sergio slowly and quietly backed away against a wall in the corner with a poker face.

"Hey you, what are you doing with my son?" Gerard's mother pointed at Sergio with her broomstick, almost hitting Sergio in the face.

"Goofing around?" Sergio shrugged.

"Madre! We're adults now. Stop treating us like children. Jesus Christ!"

"Son! I raised you -"

"Madre! I am fine, Jesus Christ," Gerard stood up and balled his fists, "I - we are fine. Please. Thank you for raising me but right now - at this moment, we don't need raising." Gerard's face was red, full of anger and embarrassment. Gerard's took one last glance at the two and swiftly turned around slamming the door behind her. "Sergio, I am so sorry."

"Fuck yeah, you should be pussy," Sergio joked laughing, "y - your face. I - it was priceless."

Gerard's face flushed again and he made an 'o' shape with his mouth. "U - uh, is that a good thing?"

Sergio continued to laugh while putting his arms around his stomach. "S -sorry Gerard. I - I just can't stop laughing. My stomach fucking hurts like hell."

"Um, what do you want me to do?"

"I don't fucking know."

"After you stop laughing like an idiot, do you want to watch a movie?" Gerard stood there scratching his head.

"Y - yeah. Good idea."

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