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❝ only yesterday, we were on the run  ❞ niall horan

Sergio paced around his living room. He fidgeted with the helm of his shirt, he just- could not understand why Gerard would break up with him. What had he done wrong? It wasn't like Sergio cheated on Gerard anyway. Did some stupid, fucking article pop up claiming that Sergio cheated on Gerard? Sergio secretly hoped not. 

Maybe it was the press. Well, all they talked about was him and Gerard. It was seriously getting to both of them... It seemed like both of their lives came crashing down before them after they - well - dated or started to interact more. 

He purposely skipped training today; he was just so fed up with everything. His thoughts were clouded by each other, they just kept on overlapping each other. Sergio couldn't think straight, it was just insane. 

There were times when Sergio just wanted to quit being a footballer. It was far too hard. People hated him for his ways - his 'anger issues', or whatnot. Others just hated him for no reason and constantly gave him death threats and threats to his friends and family. 

During those dark days, Sergio would lock himself inside his room and hid the key until he was ready. He would spend those days hitting his head against the wall, punching the wall and screaming while his head was buried in a pillow. 

After he would come out of his room, his knuckles would be bruised, his eyes would be swollen and dry as hell. His hair would be ruffled as fuck, and his throat would be dry and there would be a knot from crying. 

Sergio did not want anyone to see him like this. Anxiety would creep up to him when he thought that people would think he is a pussy. His ego would be ruined. Did he already ruin his ego by dating or breaking up with Gerard? Even worse, how Gerard dumped him? 

The whole world would destroy him, humiliate him. Not only he would become a laughing stock, but he would also become a motherfucking meme. Would there be headlines saying that he's a pussy? How long would it last? Would Gerard be there beside him to support him? Would he, especially after all those things they did to each other before they got to really know each other. 

Sergio went out to the balcony, leaned onto the railing and sighed. His fists were balled up, his head was pounding. It was happening again. He was stressing out again. Then another problem came marching. What would happen tomorrow at training? He would probably be fined for not coming and potentially yelling at his coach. 

'Whatever,' he muttered to himself. But how would he really be punished for not showing up and not telling anyone? Sergio groaned and buried his face into his hands.

It felt like just yesterday how he and Gerard were hopelessly in love. It seemed like just an hour when he came back to Madrid from Barcelona with a wide grin on his face. Sergio felt his heartache. Sergio felt like a pussy feeling this vulnerable. He wanted to salvage his relationship with Gerard. But he was too much of a fucking pussy to do so. 

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