Chapter 1

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A/N:  I'm back with another story.  I'm going to warn everyone that the beginning will be very emotional for both Ming and Kit.  

Here is the first chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Ming POV

"Yo! Tell that you found him! Please, tell me that we can get to him before he moves again."

I have been living with such longing and regret for so many years that I think I'm going crazy. Why didn't I just tell him when we were at the university together that I liked him? No, that I loved him. I fell in love with him almost instantly. Those dimples are just so adorable and the way that he would get so grumpy at me would just send my heart fluttering, but I messed it all up. I didn't tell Kit how I felt, and I knew that he was given a chance of a lifetime to go to a prestigious hospital in the United States to do his internship. I wanted to tell him so many times, but he always acted like he didn't like me, and I was afraid that he would reject me. I couldn't handle it being awkward since our friends were dating, we would have to continue to be around each other all the time.

It wasn't until his going away party that I finally found out how he actually felt towards me. To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I was totally blown away that Kit had liked me this whole time and he actually had fallen in love with me. I was pretending to be drunk because it always makes Kit feel a little more comfortable around me and now I know why. He was secretly in love with me while I was secretly in love with him.

The rest of that night was the best night of my life until the morning came, and I woke up alone in my bedroom. Kit had snuck out of my bedroom at some point in the morning and I rushed to his place to see if I could talk to him before he left, but I was too late. I even ran to the airport but once again, I was too late.

To think that I was so close to getting what I wanted and to have it ripped away from me was just not fair. I had waited for years to have Kit be mine and that last night, even though he thought that I was drunk and that I probably wouldn't remember, Kit finally gave himself to me. All of him and he is now mine. I want him back so bad that my heart hurts every time I think about not having my KitKat close to me.

I will never forget the moment when he told me that he loves me. I was so happy, and it made me even more aroused that I had another passionate round with Kit while I kept telling him the I loved him too. He may have thought that it was the alcohol, but it wasn't. I was telling him my honest and true feelings. I just wish that he didn't think that I was drunk. Come on, what drunk man who is so drunk that he supposedly can't remember anything can make love for hours? Round after round, I never slowed down. I just couldn't get enough of my KitKat. It tasted so good that one taste just wasn't enough. I can still remember that whole evening like it happened yesterday and it has been five years. Five long years that I haven't been able to see or talk to Kit.

I have continued to send messages to him and I know from Pha that Kit hasn't changed his number. Kit has instead decided to keep his phone off most of the time, so we can't get a GPS location on it. At first, I wasn't worried too much, but I did miss him. He was supposed to go do the internship and I expected him to return to Thailand after a year or two, but he never came back.

Pha and Beam both told Kit several times that I missed him, but he would just huff that they were wrong and that I couldn't miss Kit. Over time, they stopped trying to tell Kit how much I missed him, but they still kept talking about me to him. Pha and Beam both agreed that Kit seemed to long to hear about what I was doing but he wouldn't admit it. I'm sure he is longing to hear about me just like I'm longing to hear about Kit. I know Kit's secret though. Kit loves me, and he never told Pha or Beam about it.

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