Chapter 27

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Sorry if I haven't been responding to comments much lately, but my life is a little busy right now.  Don't worry.  I will get through this busy time and I'll be back to normal soon.  Thanks.


I still don't know why I agreed to this stupid physical exam, but everyone seemed to think that it is for the best, just in case. I don't have a clue what the just in case is referring to, but to make everyone happy, I agreed. I do have some time available right after lunch so why not.  Everyone follows me back to my office. Ming, Pha, Beam and Brenda follow me into my exam room.

I watch as Pha nods to Brenda and then looks back at me. "Ai'Kit, I will need a urine sample."

Oh, I hate doing this.

Brenda turns and gets both Ming and I a small cup and we walk off towards the restrooms.

I do exactly what I tell my patients to do all the time and I'm quickly back in the exam room. 

I have to wait off to the side as Pha and Beam go through the usual steps to exam Ming. I do have to admit that Pha and Beam are being rather thorough, and I guess it doesn't hurt to get a complete physical from time to time.

I can't help but to chuckle at Ming when he begins to whine as Brenda brings in the tray for her to draw some blood for additional tests.

Ah, my fiancé is a big baby.

When they finally get done with Ming, he hops off the exam table and I get up on it. Once again, both Pha and Beam are being very thorough with my exam. However, I'm a little surprised when another nurse wheels in an ultrasound machine and I look at Pha and Beam a little confused. Why would they need that here.

As I'm about to ask what is going on, Brenda walks over to me and hands me a pregnancy test. She immediately demands, "Kit, tell me what that says."

Still not knowing what is going on, I look down at the pregnancy test, and confused, I say, "The test indicates that the person is pregnant. Whose pregnancy test is this."

Beam chuckles, "Well, that is the funny thing. It is a doctor friend of ours that just doesn't seem to think that it is possible."

Pha quickly snorts, "This proves it that it is possible."

What are they talking about? What doctor friend? They don't have any doctor friend here except for me. Wait. Me. No. ME!!!

My eyes pop wide open and I look back down at the pregnancy test. This can't be.

Then it suddenly hits me. I whip my head around to look at Ming and I can't control my voice, as I shout, "MING!!!!"

Ming flashes me his brilliant smile and sheepishly sneaks over to me. "Yes, my KitKat. I'm so excited that we are going to have another baby."

My anger quickly subsides when I see how happy Ming is and then it is completely wiped away when he kisses me.

Oh, I hate it when Ming does that. I want to still be angry at him, but I just can't, and Ming is just so excited.

Pha nods to Brenda and she walks out of the exam room. Within minutes she returns with one of the hospital's ultrasound techs and they push the machine up to the exam table. Now, I know what they were doing with that machine.

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