chapter0:new world

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In the middle reaches of space there were explosions gunfire and machines flying around firing at each other, as one machine with a blade tail on its back and a giant mace in hand as it swings it on an enemy machine, destroying it "damn! These guys won't let up! setsuna how's your end? Barbatos is getting overwhelmed here" said the Barbatos pilot as another machine with a drive on it's back as it produced particles with a weapon in it's blade mode "same here mika,exia's getting damaged. Kira how are you doing?" Said setsuna as it slashed an enemy machine with it's blade as another machine with wings on it's back and 4 rail guns on it's body as it fires them destroying multiple enemy machines "same here, freedom is getting damaged plus I'm almost out of fuel where's bananger?" Said kira as a machine tries to sneak attack kira but it is shot down by a rifle as a white machine with a horn on the head with it firing at the enemies "right here kira, I'm almost out of ammo and the unicorn is taking a beating" banager said as he fires the last shot at more enemy's machines destroying them "hey i thought you didn't want to kill anyone banager" said mika "there's too many mobile suits to disable maybe not the best option but it's all i got" said banager

Meamwhile on a warship,

"Sir the warp grenade is ready should we fire it?" Said a trooper "not yet" said someone with a mask as a man with a beard stands up in rage "not yet?! We've got them where we want them and you said not yet?! We can end them now!" Said the beared man "clam yourself ail you will get your chance" said another man with a white mask on "listen cruz i know you want to wait but deep down you want to end that kira same with me and sestuna" ail's focus changes to a man with black hair "uh sir?" The man stand straight "ein do you agree with me ending them right now" before ein was about to answered they hear full frontal said this"now fire the grenade" then a grenade was launched "finally!" Yelled Ail in excitement

Back to the fight,

The enemy mobile suits starts to turn back and retiret "hey their retreating does that mean we won?" Kira said in confusion then they see the grenade "is that a grenade?" Banager said as the grenade explodes it creates a portal that starts to suck the 4 pilots "what the hell!? It's pulling us in!" Setsuna said as he tries to get exia out of the portal but to no avail "damn I can't move my gundam!" Mika said as he also tried to get the barbatos out but no avail then the 4 pilots gets sucked in as the enemy mobile suits enter the portal as well a warship then the portal closed


The portal opens up and the 4 pilots came out of the portal with their gundams as they start to enter the atmosphere "hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" Yelled kira as his hands were burning then the 4 gundams crashes into a Mountain making a hole in it "ugh is anyone okay?" Banager said as he exited his gundam "yeah I'm fine" setsuna said as he does the same "same here" mika jumps out of his gundam "hey where's kira?" Banager's question was answered as kira rolls off his gundam hitting the ground on his butt "ow" kira said he rubbed his butt then mika walked out and saw the moon cracked into pieces "guys i don't think we are home" then the others saw the same moon cracked in pieces "where ever we are i don't think we're getting off this planet" banager said as they got back into the cave.

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