chapter 4:2 teams are formed

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"Welcome to beacon!" The pilots would see Beacon and they were shocked "this is one big school!" All had the same reaction. Banager looked at Ruby, who was still on Yang's shoulder. "So your students here?" Ruby nodded "yes we are, well for me, I'm the youngest student reason why? I was enrolled in beacon pretty early by the headmaster of beacon. Also on the way here, I called said headmaster and said we we're done with the patrol and were bring you guys here to be students and I did tell him that you guys are pilots of powerful machines hehehe." Banager nodded while Athrun said "wait what?"


"Ozpin can I ask you something?" Ozpin looked towards Glynda "sure, what's on your mind?" She then cleared her throat. "Are you sure enrolling 8 unknowns into Beacon is a good idea? let alone pilots of power machines?" Ozpin took a sip of his coffee "I'm sure Glynda" she then sighs. Then they see team RWBY with the pilots talking to eachother. And then ruby sees them "hi ozpin" he nods "hello miss rose" ozpin looks at the pilots "and i see you made some friends" ruby scratched the back of her head "well I don't think we are friends yet well unless you count they saved us from some mobile suits who were attacking" ozpin adjusted his glasses "i see, well young pilots let me introduce myself. I'm Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy and this is my assistant Glynda Goodwitch." Glynda nodded to the pilots "now what are your names young pilots" banager cleared his throat "I'm Banager Links and there's Setsuna F. Seiei, Kira Yamato, Mikazuki Augus, Riddie Marshenas, Athrun Zala, Lockon Stratos and Akihiro Altland" they all waved "well it's nice to meet you all and thank you all for saving my students" banager scratched the back of his head "well it was no problem it's what we pilots do" ozpin laughed a little "so i heard you 8 want to join beacon" Mika shrugs with Kira saying. "Well it was ruby's idea. But we all agreed yes, we would like to join" ozpin then took a sip of his coffee as glynda looked at the pilots. "Is there something the matter Glynda? You've been quiet this entire time" she looked back to ozpin "I still don't think it's a good idea ozpin what if james finds out that-" ozpin then cuts off glynda "I'll take full responsibility for that glynda" ozpin looked back to the pilots. "Now in Beacon, we have a team of 4. Normally we would have a entrance exam but the field is well, how to put it, wrecked" the pilots looks towards mika and akihiro as they say in unison. "What?" Ozpin took another sip of his coffee "but i will let you choose a leader of your teams" mika, setsuna and kira looked at banager who looked back at them "wait? Me? But shouldn't setsuna be leader? I mean he has more experience than me" Setsuna shook his head. "No, we all think you should be leader, when it comes to mobile suit experience I'm the best with mika but when it comes to protect his friends and allies, look at the possibilities and able to save other lives there's no doubt in my mind for you to be leader" banager looked at setsuna, surprised as Lockon would smile at Setsuna's talk. "he's got a point." Kira nodded "just give me an order and I'll do it, leader" mika gave banager a light punch on the shoulder "they are right banager ,you were the best pilot on the argama you will be the best leader for this team" riddie gave a smile to banager "guys...." Banager then gave a smile "alright I'll do it! I'll be leader!" After he said that everyone clapped "what about you ensign riddie who's the leader of your group" Riddie looked at athrun "him" athrun gave riddie the thumbs up. Ozpin smiled as the teams were formed "now, banager link,setsuna F. Seiei,kira yamato and mikazuki augus from this day forward you are now team BSKM lead by banager links"

//A/N:As for the definitions i reachered SOOO HARD on the internet and i can't find the right one that fits who they are so i said in my head. SCREW IT! I'll make my own definitions and you can't stop me! But I hope you like them//

"As in new light?" Ozpin looked towards setsuna and nodded "why yes" he then turns to the second team "athurn zala,riddie marsenes,lockon stratos and akihiro altland from this day you are now team ARLA lead by athrun zala" ozpin took a sip of his coffee "war torn soldiers that's it's meaning i guess it make sense becuase we are in war" riddie punched athrun lightly as everyone clapped but quietly "you 8 are now students of beacon your classes starts next monday which this is Tuesday you have time to get adjusted to beacon but for right now you all get some rest" the students walks into the campus of beacon and into the dorms. Glynda looked back to ozpin who grabbed his scroll "i need to make a call to james" she nodded and walked away leaving ozpin to make the call


Under the GN particles, the unicorn starts to radiant it's red psycho-frame as if it was resonating with someone or something

Below ground,

Another machine with swords,a rifle,bazooka and a shield around it also starts to resonate but in a blue color as it's hatch opened a person in white came out of the machine and stretched and looks at the machine as it glows "guess something is trying to communicate with you huh?"

"Hi-Nu gundam"

//A/N:hope y'all for the big plot twist coming in a chapter or 2//

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