chapter8:night out

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Next week was both team BSKM and ARLA first day of class and the class they got was Peter Port's class with team RWBY and JNPR and like others in that class, they want to know: 'when is class over?!' "and that's how I started my way to become a huntsmen" everyone groaned but cheered as the bell rang "alright everyone guess I'll see you all tomorrow! Homework is due by the end of the week!" Everyone ran out of the class in a hurry.

In the BSKM dorm,

Kira was working on the communicator trying to see if their friends can hear him "hello? Anyone out there?" But only static came "Damn" banager walked in the dorm and looked at kira "hey kira is there something wrong?" "Nothing banager i just can't get the communicater working, i tried everything but failed." "kira, maybe we should take a break from this after all,we got homework to do and we've been on this planet for weeks now give it sometime and maybe a miracle might happen" kira sighed but agreed with banager, they been on remnant for only 2 weeks now plus they haven't seen any enemy mobile suits for awhile "guess your right lets head to the library maybe they got some legends of remnant and the "grimm" there" "sure" they walked out of their dorm but as soon they walked past team RWBY's dorm they heard commotion. They stopped and placed their ears on the wall to hear what they were saying "anyone got their objectives figured out?" "Yeah!" "Then let's go!" As soon as ruby said that, both kira and banager walked away to the library "what were they saying about "objectives" i don't like it one bit" "yeah same"


As both team RWBY along with the two boys sun and Neptune set off on there little "objective", weiss looked at her scroll and saw her refection still trying to figure out what was in her eyes weeks prior. Until she bumped into setsuna making her drop her scroll but setsuna caught it "oh! Setsuna what are you doing here?" "Came back from the training hall. Where are you going?" "Well a uh nice walk to vale?" She then hears ruby telling her to come on "coming! Sorry setsuna i got to go!" She runs past Setsuna but not realizing that she left her scroll in his hand "a walk down vale?" He checks the time "this late?". Due to his curiosity, he walked to his gundam, got in, placed weiss's scroll down next to him and opened his HUD. Then, he plugged a wire to the charging port of the scroll and began typing on a keyboard and got 3 signals on the map "they split up? Why would they". He ponders for a minute ' why would they split up.. I don't like this one bit". Sestuna then started up his gundam as it's eyes glowed (while making the famous 00 eye glow sound) "Gundam Exia, Sestuna F. Seiei launching!" Then the Exia took off into the sky. While lockon looked out the window when the Exia took off "Setsuna.... Let's go haro!" "Roger! Roger!" Lockon grabbed haro, opened the window and jumped from the window to the ground landing on his feet and ran to his gundam. The hatch opened for lockon to get in, he then placed haro onto a place holder beside lockon "Dynames powering up! Dynames powering up!". The cockpit lights up as the dynames' eyes glowed "Gundam Dynames, Lockon Straos lock and loaded!" Dynames lifts off the ground into the sky to follow the Exia.


Ruby and weiss arrived at a tower in downtown vale "you got the plan weiss?" "Yes ruby you said that 5 times now!" Ruby giggled and looked up at the tower "woah this is so cool!" She grabs her scroll trying to get a good picture. While she walked back, she tripped making her drop her scroll but someone caught it "you dropped this" "oh thanks uh..." Ruby looked up and saw a familiar face "penny!" She rushes to hug her friend "salutation friend ruby!" Penny hugs back but not a normal hug "penny.....can't......breath" penny let's go "Sorry friend ruby" "no penny it's fine but where were you weeks ago you vanished when we took down the white fang at the harbor?" After ruby said that, penny started walking backwards slowly "penny?" "Sorry your uh confused" "penny what's wrong..." Ruby walks up to her friend but penny keeps walking backwards "nothings wrong" she then hiccups "sorry! I got to go!" Penny runs off "what was that about?" "I'm not sure weiss. I'll go after penny you do your part!" Ruby then runs after penny, leaving the ice queen alone "well that's just great!" She reaches into her pocket to grab her scroll. But... It wasn't there, then the realization hits her "oh oum! I forgot setsuna has it!" At her side, she saw something fly by what she saw was something with wings "the freedom? Kira? No that couldn't be him. Could it? Hey wait! Ruby come back!" Weiss then went after her young leader


"Uh yang, is this the spot?" "Yep!" Both Neptune and yang just arrived at a nightclub in the ruined part of vale "are you sure this is safe?" "Why? Scared?" "No!" Yang shrugged and walked up to the entrance along with Neptune.


Music was blasting through the speakers with everyone dancing, drinking, talking or all of the above. But, one person ran inside closing the door behind him "sir! She's back!" Everyone in the room were shocked "you idiot what are you doing! Block off the entrance before it's too-" but it was too late as yang punches the door open hard sending the guards of the entrance flying "sup everyone! I'm back!" She then was pointed by lots of rifles ready to shoot with Neptune walking behind yang scared "uh yeah like my friend said...." "Hold your fire! Blonde your here, again, why?" Yang smirked "you still owe me a drink junior" she then grabs him and drags junior to the bar "yeah you better watch out from my friend" neptune said as he then sees 2 girls beside him "ladys" "Whatever" they walked away in sync leaving neptune alone.


"Penny! Wait up!" "Please ruby stay way!" Ruby was chasing after penny for quiet a while now [don't question it] "penny! I can help!" "Just stay away!" They continue to run but ruby used her semblance to get in front of penny "penny what's going on with you?" Before penny answered, ruby then saw weiss running towards her "weiss! Why are you here? What about the plan?" Weiss was kneeling down trying to catch her breath, when she did "Well, apparently i forgot my scroll" "how did you forget it!" "It didn't come to my mind until i reached into my pocket to grab it! But it wasn't there!" "Why didn't you tell me!" "Because you drilled the "remember the plan" phrase into my head to the building!" While both ruby and Weiss argued, penny saw a truck coming towards them, penny stepped in front of them and stopped the truck with her hands causing both team members to stop arguing and look at her surprised that she stopped the truck and while penny was looking at them "listen, can you keep this a secret please?" Ruby looked over at the truck and back to her friend "sure" "my friends, I'm......... Not a real girl" she revealed her hands to them seeing that there's metal in them. They both say in unison "oh"


"Come on sun" "I'm coming, I'm coming" both sun and blake reached a warehouse and entered it through the window but not seeing someone or something was watching them from the sky, 2 mobile suits, on in a red color scheme with red particles coming from the back and a mobile with a purple color scheme armed with a rifle "ein, i think i have a feeling they would know where the gundams are" ein within his mobile suit nodded as they flew to the side of the warehouse and landed next to it "now, we wait".

A/N:i hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took sometime busy with school and all, also i want to say this

Happy birthday to the red ridding hood of beacon, ruby rose!

Happy birthday to the red ridding hood of beacon, ruby rose!

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See you guys next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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