Chapter Four

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I sat with Noah on a metal bench, which was overlooking the whole campus, my legs hurt so much from all the walking we had to do.
"You complain too much Shelly" Joked Noah after I had him listen to my speach: 'Why does walking take so much effort.'
I chuckled and pulled my phone out my pocket, before I could turn it on I could hear a high pitch voice scream, "NOAH!" Before crashing into our table, specifically Noah.
She hugged him so tight that I though he was going to pass out, he didn't look impress. "Hi Veronica" he coughed up as she still clung onto him tight. I felt rage hit me like a brick.
"Hi Nowee how are-" she imidiatly cut off her sentence as she noticed me, "and whos this?" Her stare went through me as Noah explained to her that I was the 'Girlfriend' he had told her about the other day.
She flipped her raven hair out of her face, "Oh I see... you must be Elle?" She tried to give me somewhat friendly smile but I can read her like a book.
I nodded in response still giving her the evil eye. This situation turned from awkward to out right embarrasment. "Um... Oh Jess is over there! Nice meeting you Elle" she turned round and hightailed it out of there.
Noah turned round and noticed that I was about to run after that girl and give her a piece of my mind, "Shes not worth it Shelly" I grunted in response still staring at the slightly taller and darker haired girl.
"Are you jealouse?~" he chuckled putting his arm around me as we sat back down. "Shes not worth my time" I responded but deep down I wanted to slap her, she already knew he had a girlfriend and she still has the nearve to run at him like a headless chicken?

After a long day of activities and campus tours I was walking back to my dorm. I was taking in the breeze when I felt someone pull my jacket back and pin me against the wall.
I struggled but couldn't break free from the persons grasp until I heard the same voice from earlier but this time more sharp and firm.
"I only ask this once and only once" the voice began, it was Veronica. I felt my heart completely stopped at I looked into her hollow lifeless eyes.
"Stay away from Flynn or I will make your life a living misery!" She snapped. "Hes not your to claim!" I yelled back trying to push her off me but she was too strong.
She leaned in closely and whispered in my ear, "When I want something I will have it! I don't care if hes 'yours' for now, he'll soon be mine." My blood ran cold as she let go of me and I fell to the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes and the only thing I could do is run back to my dorm.

The Kissing Booth|| College Years *OLD*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora