Chapter Five

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After crying for about thirty minutes into my pillow I took my phone out my pocket and rang Lee, its only the first day aswell.
"Hey Elle how are you!" He exclaimed, "I'm good, how are you?" I responded, "me and Rachel are having a movie night so I'm really excited" I knew that he was beaming brightly even over the phone.
I can't ruin his mood, "I don't want to intrude so go and have fun, okay" he thanked me and hung up. I felt awful lying to him but at the same time it was for the best.
Before I could continue my crying session I heard a pare of heavy knocks on my door. I covered my face answered it but imidiatly jumped back when I saw Noah leaning agaisnt the doorframe.
He was much taller then me, and when I say 'much' I mean alot taller then me. "Elle, whats wrong?!" He sounded panicked, "Oh um...." I can't tell him what happend "I having really bad c-cramps" good enough I thought.
He kissed my forehead before picking me up and placing me on my bed, (obviously he closed the door). "You got a really nice dorm Shelly" he smirked, I had to agree it was pretty nice.
"Yeah I just need to unpack" I said while sitting up, he picked up my suitcase, which was massive, and placed it on my bed and unzipped it. I packed cloths, pictures of my family, washbag and some other things I couldn't leave at home without.
He chuckled to himself as he picked up the picture frame of me and Noah at my birthday party, "Wow it feels like it was just yesterday" I nodded in response. He put everything back into the suitcase and placed it on the floor again.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked him as he took his shoes off, "of coarse Shelly" he winked. As he turned on the TV I got changed into my oversize T-shirt with white PJ shorts.
When I walked out the bathroom I noticed he had got changed too. He was wearing a white tank top with some shorts. "Where did you get the outfit from?" I wondered as I sat next to him, "your suitcase" he chuckled.
He wrapped his arm around me and leaned in close, "tonight we are watching Twilight" anounced Noah pressing 'Play' with the remote. I raised my eyebrow, "last time we watched it you said you hated it" I chuckled softly nudging him, He grunted in response.
I snuggled into him as the movie was about to start, but I couldn't concentrate. What did Veronica mean when she said, 'I will make your life a living misery if you don't stay away from him' Noah noticed I was not paying attention to the movie.
He waved his hand infront of my face and imidiatly I snapped back into reality, "whats on your mind Shelly?" He asked softly, "nothing" I responded as he planted a kiss on my head. Soon after I drifted to sleep in his arms.

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