Chapter Six

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I woke up to Noah clinging for dear life onto me, hes so cute when hes sleeping, I chuckled and let out a huge yawn and accidently waking Noah up from a deep sleep.
He sat up rubbing his eyes since they havent yer adjusted yet. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake ya" I said in a croaky voice. "Nah its fine Shelly" he responded, his voice was also croaky.
"You know we can just skip?" He smirked kissing my forehead, "Hmm... as tempting as it sounds I'll have to pass" I smirked as he nudged my arm playfully.
I jumped out of bed and grabbed the outfit I led out in the bathroom next to the sink. After getting changed I walked out of the bathroom, "hot" exclaimed Noah as I cliped in my earrings.
"I'll see you after class, okay?" Said Noah standing up, I nodded and he gave me a quick hug before I slipped my way out the door.

I felt relieved as the bell echoed through the otherwise silent classroom, I grabbed my stuff and made my way out the croud of people and to the door.
'I will make you life a living misery' those words were playing over and over again in my mind. I couldn't think strait and I was debating of having another crying session in my room.
"Hey Elle, wait up," I stopped in my tracks as the same voice from yesterday caught up to me. I turned to see Veronica smiling like a shark showing all her teeth.
She was wearing a tank top with a denium skirt and boots, which were all black, All she was missing was a cat and broom. "Remember our little chat yesterday?" She sneared twirling her wavy hair.
How can I forget? I sighed knowing what she was about to ask me. "What do you want from me?" I said, although I know exacly what she wanted.
"Hmm lets see, its begins with an 'N' and ends with 'H' " she said snickering, "sorry can't help with that sweetie" I responded giving her that same glare from when we had first met.
Her face went from snarled to out right angry, "You don't know me Rochelle Evans, I could ruin your reputation!" She looked like a metal person who had just escaped the hospital.
"Look I don't know what your problem is but Noah isn't interested okay? If he like you he would of bloody said it a long time ago!" I backed up a bit a she clenched her fists.
She then calmed down and gave me a smile which is going to haunt my dreams, "Watch you back Evans" she turned around and walked off, that girl needs a slap, I thought to myself as she dissapeared down the hall.

I sat in my room with the worst of moods, I can't believe she is barging into other peoples lifes. I put my head down on the table cursing to myself.
"Whats wrong Shelly?" I heard Noah right behind me, oh yeah I gave him an extra key.
I turned to look at him, "its nothing don't worry" I said in an almost convincing tone but he wasn't buying it.
He placed his hand on my shoulder, "tell me the truth Shelly, please" he pleaded. He sat on my bed and patted a seat next to him, I stood up and walked over to sit next to him.

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