Time with him~ Group A

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This is the in between time after she was taken and before she was shot. Hope you enjoy~

~~~~(Time with Soji)~~~~

As I've been doing for a while for the past mornings, I walked into Soji's room to wake him up. As usual, he was sprawled out on his futon. I walk up to him and shake him, hoping to get a response out of him.

"Come on, Soji. It's almost afternoon," I say. With a grumble he turned to me and pulled himself up onto my lap. He put his face into my stomach and sighed.

"Just a little while longer," he mumbled. I turned red and pried Soji off of me.

"I'm suppose to be your alarm clock! Not your pillow!" I yell. Soji groaned and turns around.

"What is an... alarm clock?" trailed off Soji, dozing off again.

"It means I'm suppose to be waking you up!" I say in a loud voice, hoping that it would annoy him enough to get him up.








"...Nothing," I growl. Than an idea pops up. I stand up and walk out of the room. I come back with a cup of water and dab my fingers is it and flick some at him. Doesn't even stir.

"Sorry, Soji. I tried to be nice," I said as I pour half of the cup on him. With a startled yip, Soji sat up, gagging. Feeling accomplished I smiled. Soji looks up at me with a frown.

"Why did you do that?" he yelled as he wiped his face.

"Sorry, but I still have to go to the market later and Kinshiro wanted me to wake you up, before I left. You're worse than my sister," I say amazed. Soji looked at my hand and smirked. Before I know what's going on, I was pulled down by my sleeve and landed right beside Soji. As I try to steady the cup in my hand, Soji takes it out of my hand and pours it on my head.

"Eeeeek!" I squeal as the cool water hit me. I hear soji laugh and look up at him with a pout.

"That was quiet rude," I say innocently.

"You did it first," He said.

"Geez. Now I have to change, again," I commented touching my Kimono. I looked up at Soji to see him in thought. I tilt my head and wave my hand in front of his face.

"Please tell me that you didn't fall asleep with your eyes open?" I say exhausted. Soji blinks and smiles as he ruffles my wet hair.

"No. I'm fine. How about you go and get cleaned up," he said. Knowing he didn't want to speak his mind, I smile and nod to him. I exit the room and head to mine.

"That's one way to start the day," I say as I enter my room.

~~~~(Time with Aoi)~~~~

I enter Aoi's house when I got there and immediately found Aoi asleep. I smile to myself as I quietly walk out of the room, with his clothes basket in hand. I took his laundry and started to wash his kimono's. As I was getting one of his kimono's out, I got a glimpse of something falling to the ground.


"AHH!" I screamed. Smoke filled the room and I couldn't help, but cough. As I was coughing, I heard some one running and looked back to the room where Aoi flung the door open.

"(F/N)! Are you alright! What happen-!" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw me. I looked up at him with wide and confused eyes. His face started to turn red and he put his fist over his mouth. Out of no where he burst out laughing. I blinked a few times confused and was finally manage to speak.

"W-what's so funny? And what was that?" I say embarrassed. Aoi leaned on the door, breathing heavily.

"T-that was a smoke bomb. YOU LOOK HILARIOUS!!!" he yelled as he went into another fit of laughter. I tilted my head and looked into the water and saw a dreadful scene. My face was covered in soot and my (H/C) hair was wild. I was so happy that the soot covered my red cheeks.

"Y-you can stop now!" I yell as I cover my cheeks in embarrassment. Aoi wiped away his tears and walked up to me.

"Sorry. Anyways, are you alright?" asked Aoi, not looking the part.

"Yeah. Just startled," I say as I touched a piece of hair that was standing up. Aoi grabbed me by under my arms and pulled me to my feet.

"Here. Come on. Let's clean You up," he said as he guided me to the house. I sat on the floor, wiping me face with a washcloth, Aoi handed me. He finished placing his hair up and walked over to the other side of the room to move a sheet off of a dresser with a mirror attached to it.. Aoi looked back at me and ushered me over. I did as he told me to and sat in front of the mirror.

"When did you get back home last night?" I asked, staring at Aoi through the mirror. He looked at me through it as well and shrugged.

"I don't know. Probably almost sunset?" He said as he ran my hair through his hands. I narrowed my eyes at him and frown.

"You really need to make a time to stop working," I said, sternly.

"I'll be fine. I've been doing this for a while," Aoi said as he did my hair up.

"You'll get sick by not getting enough sleep. Do you want to sleep through the day, like a vampire?" Aoi's eyes widen and he looks at me funny.

"Vampire?" he said confused. Realizing I said too much, I start to panic.

"uh... Never mind," I say waving my hands. Aoi puckered his lips and tilted my head up so that I was facing him.

"Don't go saying something that we don't know and not explaining it. Don't you think that leaves us in the dark?" said Aoi annoyed. with a slight "I'm not suppose to tell you" growl I spoke.

"It's a human-looking monster that has no heart beat and drinks a living things blood until they are dry. They can only be killed by a wooden steak in the heart, sunlight, and water that is blessed," I say. Aoi nods and lets go of my head.

"Interesting. I guess in away I am one," He mumbled. I looked up at him confused.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask. Aoi grabbed my head and turned it back at the mirror and proceeded with what he was doing.

"Vigilantes only work at night and we have to kill... You are aware that you'll probably have to kill to... right?" Aoi said with concern. I didn't answer right away. swallowing the lump in my throat I nodded slowly.

"I figured I might have to in the future. But I'm not backing down. I chose this path and I have to take it as I woman," I said trying to boost my confidence. Aoi finished and he patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll make sure your safe. That's a promise," said Aoi in a brotherly manner. Too brotherly. Forgetting what we were talking about I turned my head to him and asked a question.

"Aoi... Do you have any younger siblings?" I asked curious. Aoi's face went blank as the blood drained from his face. 'I think I hit a nerve,' I thought as I saw this new side of Aoi.

"W-why do you say that?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"You sound like a big brother. Honestly, I think you would be a great big brother," I said what was on my mind and Aoi blushed... hard.

"Huh!" was the only thing that came out of Aoi.

"Well, you treat Soji as you've known him along time. Kinda like your brothers. So I guess that makes since," I babbled on. Aoi narrowed his eyes as his blush never faded. Finding that I was making him uncomfortable, I stopped talking for a moment and thought of what to say.

"I'm sorry. I talk when I panic. What I mean is that when you were acting like a brother... you kind of made me remember that I was one too," I say softly. Aoi looked at me with interest and I proceeded." I'm the oldest sister of my family. I have a twin sister and a littler brother. You don't need to tell me anything, but I guess I feel a little lonely not really having anyone to talk to about this," I say sheepishly. Aoi's gaze softened and he pats my head.

"I get it. Maybe one day you'll find out about me and Soji's past, but right now's not a good time. You can also talk to us about it. We'll listen," said Aoi reassuringly. Finding myself a little uncomfortable, I quickly changed the subject. Looking into the mirror, I commented on my hair.

"You did really good. Say, where did you go yesterday night?" I asked as I tilted my head at a different angle.

"The prostitute House," said Aoi. I stopped, blinked, and turned my head to him.

"P-prostitute House?" I asked as my cheeks went red. Aoi smirked mischievously and chuckled.

"What are you imagining, (F/N)," he said in a humorous curiosity. My cheeks went redder and I started to stammer.

"I hope you were doing hair," I grumbled. Aoi laughed and patted my back.

~~~~(Time with Natsume)~~~~

As I was sitting down in Natsume's office watching him write as I was bored. With a sigh, I placed my hand under my chin and looked out of the window. My nose started to tickle and I sneezed. Natsume jumped and looked in my direction. His eyes were wide with surprise.

"(F/N)? When did you get here?" He said startled. I gave him my best 'are you serious' face and stared at him.

"About an hour ago," I said blandly. Natsume looked surprised when he heard that and narrowed his eyes.

"Why didn't you say something?!" he asked annoyed.

"I was trying to talk to you, but you never seemed to noticed. I gave up and decided to just watch you. You're worse than Soji in the mornings," I say as my brow went up. Natsume narrowed his eyes and went back to work.

"As you can see, I'm busy. You can stay or leave. I don't care," He said stubbornly. I stare at him for a moment and spoke.

"Hey," I said. Natsume looked up at me and I continued," I never properly thanked you for taking me to Wakasa's when that bookshelf landed on me," I said and bow my head. Natsume looked like he had to take a step back. He blushed as he looked the other way.

"I didn't do anything," He said stubbornly. I smile at this and proceed.

"That's not true. Sion told me that you carried me all the way to Wakasa's and the fact that you stayed with me until I was better was good enough to me. Thank you, Natsume," I said as I bowed again. Natsume's eyes widen, but quickly narrowed again. The blush still on his face.

"Okay! I get it," He yelled as he went back to work. I smiled as I watched him work again. Boredom soon took over again and I looked outside the window. After I while I look back down on the table and see a piece of paper near me and a brush. I looked back up at Natsume, who was still working and was paying no mind to me. Natsume was as still as I a board. I took the brush and started to draw on the paper.

"What are you doing?" Asked Natsume curiously. I looked up at him and moved a bit so he could get a better look. Natsume's face turned red as his eyes widened.

"What? Did I do something wrong? Does it look bad?" I asked as I scanned the paper. He shook his head as he put his hand over his mouth.

"No, but... um... is that me?" he stuttered. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Yeah. You were so still I had to draw you," I said as I admired my work. I drew a still life of Natsume. He groaned, but smiled wryly.

"You're a strange girl, you know that," he said. I just smiled more.

"I know... Oh! I'm going to make one of everybody, But first, I'm going to make another of you," I said as I started to make another one. Natsume groaned, but watched me as I did it...

~~~~(Time with Ichika)~~~~

As I was making lunch I noticed that a figure out the window. I looked closer and noticed that it was Ichika. He stopped in front of the door and was talking to an older servant. They disappeared into the Tea House. I shrugged and started to cook again.

"Miss, (F/N)?" said a voice. I turned around and saw the servant that guided Ichika in. I smiled kindly to her.

"Yes? How may I help?" I asked. I servant smiled at my comment and bowed.

"Can you make some trays for Mr. Sojiro. He has a guest over," she said. I smiled gently and bowed as well.

"Sure. No problem," I said as I started to make them. I helped the servant take them to Soji's room. We sat the trays down and called into the room.

"Master Sojiro. We brought lunch," said the servant.

"Thank you. You may come in," said Soji. I opened the door and picked up the tray, taking it over to Soji. I glanced back at Soji's guest and saw Ichika. Ichika looked over at me and smiled. I smiled and nodded to him. Turning back to Soji I bowed.

"Thank you, (F/N). (Servant's name)," said Soji with a kind smile. With one more bow, we left the room. As I closed the door and started to walk down the hall, I heard a scream. The servant and I jumped and turned around to Soji's room. I figure raced by us and the servant yelped. As I faced the way the figure went, I noticed it was Ichika, holding his mouth.

"What happened?" I said startled. I heard footsteps and turned around to see Soji walking up to us. He stopped right in front of me and looked down the hall.

"(F/N)? If I may ask, what did you make?" said Soji wry.

"Miso soup with a hot pepper I got from the foreign market," I said confused. Soji smiled wryly and placed a hand on my head.

"I know you didn't know this, but Ichika has a hard time with spicy foods," said Soji. My eyes widened and I started to panic.

"W-what?! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" I yelled as I bowed my head several times. Ichika came back and I started to apologies in my own language. Ichika looked nervous and started to understand that I was apologing when I started to bow my head.

"I-It's fine! Really!" he yelled. After Ichika left, Soji and I waved him goodbye and started back into the Tea House.

"(F/N)? Could I ask you something?" asked Soji. I turned to him and cocked my head.

"What?" I asked.

"Why didn't you talk Japanese?" said Soji. I stopped and blinked at him several times.

"Wait, I wasn't speaking Japanese?" I asked.

"No," said Soji shaking his head.






reader ninja assassin shorts!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt