Reader x Ninja Assassin~ Ninja playing Ninja???????

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Like any other morning, I was out in front of the Tea House sweeping it. Even though, it was a nice day, I felt like something... was a little out of place with the atmosphere today. Humming, I decided the front of the store was clean enough and went back inside. I woke Soji up earlier and he was already at work. Finding I had some free time, I decided to go and meet Kinshiro and visit with him till it was time to make lunch. Going to the kitchen I made some tea and walked to his room. I tapped the screen door.

"Who is it?" asked Kinshiro from inside the room.

"(F/N)" I hollered.

"You can come in," He yelled. Smiling, I slid the door open and walk in. Kinshiro was sprawled out on the floor with a pipe in his mouth. Smiling, I placed the tray down and started to pour his tea.

"See you're lazing around, as usual," I comment. Kinshiro sat up and took the cup I gestured to him and emptied his pipe out.

"And I see you're done with you're morning chores," he said. I smiled and took my own seat, filling my cup up.

"Soji had to get up early, so I woke up a little earlier to help him," I tell him. Kinshiro nodded and took a sip of tea. As Kinshiro and I chatted, Kinshiro paused and his whole body shivered. Surprised by this action, I placed the cup down and went to stand up.

"You alright?" I asked him. Kinshiro crossed his arms as he looked troubled.

"I... just had a bad feeling," he said. I smiled wryly and scratched the back of my head.

"You know what, I know what you are talking about," I comment. He looked at me shocked.


"That someone is talking about you behind your back?.... Yeah, I've been having that happen to me," I tell him. Kinshiro scrunched his face up in thought. Simultaneously, we both shrug our shoulders.


"I'M HERE!!"

"SONOFTHEBITCH!!" I screamed in my language, startled as I went to stand up, but hit my knee on the table and fell forward and into Kinshiro, who was too startled to get out of the way. I landed into Kinshiro's chest as he fell backwards and into the tatami floor with a painful thud. With a painful groan, Kinshiro looked over my shoulder as I was still trying to recover form my heart attack.

"Natsume?" Asked Kinshiro. Sitting up, I looked over to the person and saw it was Natsume. Sighing, I rolled to the ground and sat up. Natsume's cheeks were red and he was bent over panting for breath. By the looks of it, he ran all the way here.

"(F/N)?" He whispered. He was staring at me shocked and then he fell to the ground.

"Natsume!" I yelled started. I ran over to his side and placed my hand on his shoulder and back. Still breathing heavily, he looked over to me and grabbed my shoulders, shaking me.

"DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT, IDIOT!" He yelled. I narrowed my eyebrows as I stared at him with confused eyes.

"What are y-!"


Natsume's body jerked forward and into me, causing me to fall backward. As my body landed on the floor forcefully a lot of weight was pressed down on me. Looking up, I noticed that Natsume was using all of his strength to keep our heads a good distance away from each other. His elbows shook and he collapsed head butting me (What? Were you expecting a kiss?). With a grunt, Natsume moved his head and I placed my hand on my forehead wanting to roll on the ground and wither in pain. Opening my eyes I saw not one, but multiple black figures on top of us. Finally, I noticed the other painful groans and moans.

"Guys?" I yelled confused. Multiple heads shot up and looked at me.

"(F/N)!!??" They all said. Quickly, everyone scrambled off of me and I sighed, finally able to breath again. Sitting up, Wakasa cupped my cheeks in his hands and peered into my face.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I looked at him confused and nodded my head.

"Y-Yeah... Why were you all running here?" I asked them.

"You were kidnapped," Said Soji, as he stared at me shocked and confused. My eyes opened wide and I shook my head.

"NO!," I said wryly," Who would say such a thing?" I asked, baffled.

"Hotaka," said Sion, wryly. I joined in on the wryness and sighed.

"Why would he say such a thing?" said Kinshiro, who was still surprised.

"Because it was very important," said a new voice in the room. We all looked back to the door and saw Hotaka there, with a serious look. I blinked a few times, trying to figure out why he looked so serious. Aoi was the first to break the silence and clenched his fist.

"That was a dirty thing to do!" he yelled, causing me to flinch and cover my ears.

"What's the big deal!" yelled Natsume, pissed off as well.

"You should probably start explaining, Hotaka," said Wakasa, with the scariest smile I have ever seen him have. I smiled wryly as I tried to process what was going on.

"What's going on?" asked Kinshiro. Everyone turned his direction and stared at him and then went back to glaring a Hotaka. Walking in, he closed the door and turned in my direction, smiling sadly.

"Sorry, I thought if I gave you the true reason, you wouldn't have come," He said. I raised a brow at him in confusion," I would like to discuss something with all of you and it seemed easier to have you all here at the same time," He stated. Quietly, we all took our seats. The air was thick and heavy.... especially sitting in between the two people who seem to be the most angry with Hotaka.... Soji and Aoi.

"So what is it that made you bring us all here together?" asked Kinshiro.

"Did someone request us?" asked Sion. The air seemed to grow more heavy, but Hotaka shook his head with a wry smile.

"Well,... sort of," He said," It's a personal request," He finished.

"By who?" asked Kinshiro, curious.

"Me," Hotaka said. Everyone tilted their head to the side in confusion.

"You?" said Soji. Hotaka nodded his head.

"What's the request?" I asked, curiously. Hotaka closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Everyone leaned forward in anticipation of what he would say next.

"I need the vigilante's to put on a play!" he yelled.






Everyone stared at him blankly, but slowly everyone glared, making the air harder to breath.

"You lied about (F/N) being kidnapped, for something so stupid?" yelled Aoi. The room then went into an up roar of both Natsume and Aoi yelling Hotaka's ear off as well as mine. I covered my ears and closed my eye that was closer to Aoi.

"STOP!" roared Kinshiro. The room went silent as everyone turned to Kinshiro," You're yelling my ear off and by the way (F/N) looks, she's getting the hit more then Hotaka," said Kinshiro. That was when everyone turned my direction. I still had my hands close to my ears and a wry smile spread across my face. I glanced up at Aoi who stared at me sadly. I smiled wryly up to him and shrugged. His big hand landed on the top of my head and he patted it.

"Sorry," He apologized. I shook my head up at him and smiled.

"No, It's fine," I tell him and turn to Hotaka giving him my own look of disapproval," I don't like what he did either," I add, hotly. Hotaka pouted and slouched.

"How about you explain," said Kinshiro. With a nod, Hotaka began.

"Our theater was going to have a traveling group come in and put on a play," Hotaka said.

"Oh! I've heard about that," said Wakasa.

"Yeah, so have I," I said," It's been in a paper lately," I comment. I was planning on going and seeing it. Hotaka nodded and frowned.

"We were really excited about it too, but they ended up leaving out of no where!" Yelled Hotaka. Everyone's eyes went wide in shock.

"Really," gasped Soji, surprised. Hotaka nodded.

"Why?" asked Natsume, stunned. Hotaka shook his head.

"We don't know, they left the draft to the script and everything," he sighed," We thought about putting on a kabuki show in place of it, but that would give us a bad reputation and may cost the theater to shut down," said Hotaka sadly.

"That could be bad," said Sion.

"Hotaka, the Vigilantes must be kept a secret," stated Kinshiro. Hotaka nodded his head vigorously.

"There will be costume and mask," He stated," Everyone's identity will be kept a secret," he added. Kinshiro smiled and nodded his head in approval.

"Than I'll be fine with it," He said. Wakasa smiled and nodded his head.

"I'm willing to help, though I don't know what I would be able to do," Wakasa said with a wry smile. Hotaka looked at Wakasa shocked.

"Really?" He said. Wakasa smiled and nodded his head, causing Hotaka to smile widely," THANK YOU!" He yelled throwing himself at Wakasa. Wakasa gasped as Hotaka hugged him and rubbed his cheek on his.

"Hang on!" Yelled Aoi. Hotaka frowned and looked his way. Wakasa, who was still being hugged my Hotaka, looked the other way wryly," I'm not doing this," stating Aoi, with a stern frown. Hotaka looked startled.

"What?" he wined.

"Me neither," said Soji with a frown too.

"I don't want any part of this," said Natsume equally mad. Hotaka looked over to Sion, who smiled.

"I already had my mind set that I would help you," He said. Hotaka smiled slightly, but turned to back to the group.

"Please! I need your guys' help," pleaded Hotaka placing his hands on the ground and bowing his head.

"(F/N)?" said Kinshiro. I turned to him," Wakasa, Sion, and I agree to help, while Soji, Aoi, and Natsume disagree... which side do you choose?" he asked me. I looked back at Hotaka, who looked up at me with pleading eyes. Sighing, I thought of what to say.

"I really do want to say no," I state, Hotaka looked hurt and I decided to go on," BUT~ I think of everyone in the vigilantes as my family, especially since I'm far away from my own," I state, smiling," And you do anything for family," I watched as Hotaka stared at me amazed," I think it would be terrible if I didn't help you after all you've done for me," I tell him," So I will choose to help my family," I said, giving a big smile. I felt a strong force hit me causing me to bend back. Arms were wrapped around me as I was hugged into a chest.

"You're the greatest, (F/N)!!" yelled Hotaka as he cradled me. Laughing, I patted his back.

"I would do anything for you guys," I tell him. Pulling back, Hotaka and I looked at the group. Soji, Natsume, and Aoi had a look of guilt on their faces as they looked at me.

"She's right," said Kinshiro with a big grin," We're like a big family". With a sigh, Aoi looked back at Hotaka.

"Alright," said Aoi, with a small smile.

"I guess I have no choice," sighed Soji, but smiled kindly. Everyone turned to Natsume, who was frowning hard.

"Grrrrrrrrrr..... ALRIGHT, Fine!" sighed Natsume, placing his head in his hand. Hotaka's eyes shimmered and her threw himself at Natsume, startling him.

"Thank you, Natsume!" Yelled Hotaka happily. Natsume narrowed his eyes as a deep blush spread across his face.

"Get off of me you idiot!" Yelled Natsume as he squirmed out of his arms. I smiled, happy everyone came to a conclusion. Out of no where, Hotaka placed a packet of papers on the table.

"We have the rough draft of the play, so all we need to do is finish it and start picking parts," said Hotaka with a smile.

"When's the play?" I asked.

"...At the end of the week," said Hotaka, quietly.

"WHAT!" The room roared. Hotaka sighed and nodded his head.

"I know it's short notice, but we can't reschedule the play," he added and then smiled widely," Plus, I know we will be able to do the play in two days if we needed too," said Hotaka confidently. Everyone glared at Hotaka again. With a sigh, Soji spoke up.

"What are our parts?" He asked. Smiling, Hotaka point at me first.

"The play is about ninja," said Hotaka.

"Ninja playing Ninja... that's gold," I laughed. Hotaka nodded his head vigoriously.

"Right?... anyways, from the rough draft, it's about a ninja, Hasime, who leaves his village and falls in love with a princess named Sakura," said Hotaka happily," Not excepting that Hasime leaves, his old friend, Hanzo, comes and tries to kill Sakura," said Hotaka, who placed four fingers up," So far we have four rolls: Hasime the main character, Sakura the leading lady, Hanzo the bad guy, and Master Tomoe who is Sakura's father," Explained Hotaka. Everyone nodded their head in understanding," For sure, I want (F/N) to play Sakura," he said. I jumped and shook my head.

"No, I can't play such a big role!" I state," You should do it, you would make a prettier princess," I added in. Hotaka shook his head.

"I'll be too busy with directing to play for a part, plus, I think you would look absolutely adorable in a rich kimono," He added in. I smiled wryly.

"But I'm not that good of an actor," I say. Hotaka shook his head.

"You fooled Tori! You're perfect for this part!" Hotaka said. I sighed, being led into a corner. With another sigh, I nodded my head.

"Alright, I'll give it my best," I said with as much enthusiasm as I had. Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"How about the rest of the cast?" asked Wakasa. Hotaka shook his head.

"I want to have try outs, to see how everyone does, First we need to work on the script," said Hotaka pointing to Natsume," And that is where you come in!" yelled Hotaka. Natsume's eyes widened in shock.

"Wait! you want me to do the script?" Natsume said pointing at himself. Hotaka nodded his head and handed him the stack of papers.

"You're the best writer I know and I also know you don't disappoint," said Hotaka confidently.

"You want me to write the script and have it ready...," Natsume trailed off, hoping Hotaka would catch on, which he did.

"By tomorrow morning," said Hotaka with a smile. Natsume dropped the script he was holding in his hand and slammed his fist in the table.

"YOU'RE KIDDING ME!!" Yelled Natsume, pissed.

"Aren't we playing the 'get mad at Hotaka' card today," I laughed wryly in my own language. Natsume pointed his finger at me.

"I don't know what you just said and by tomorrow?!" Yelled Natsume pointing his finger at Hotaka on the last part.

"Please, do it as a favor from me," said Kinshiro. Natsume snapped his head to Kinshiro and was about to say something, but stopped and closed his mouth, frowning sadly.

"Fine," sighed the defeated Natsume, snatching the draft and standing up, leaving. I went to stand up.

"Where are you going?" asked Sion, curious.

"We all know Natsume will work himself raw on that script, someone needs to make sure he doesn't over exert himself," I state. Kinshiro smiled and nodded to me.

"Alright, but be careful," he told me. Smiling, I waved good-bye and ran off to catch up to Natsume...

~~~~(Time skip)~~~~

Sliding the door open a bit, I watched Natsume work on the script. He's been at it for hours without even getting up. Looking out of the window, I noticed it was already nightfall and he hasn't eaten anything. Timidly, I close the door and hurry to the kitchen making some onigiri. With the tray, I walked into Natsume's room and take a seat beside him, placing the tray beside him. Timidly, I shook his shoulder.

"Natsume?" I called out. With a little jolt, Natsume stopped writing and looked my way, startled. Other than looking mad, he looked mostly shocked.

"Oh! How long have you been sitting there?" He asked shocked. Smiling I shake my head.

"I just sat down beside you. Anyways, you should really eat something. You need energy if you're going to be up all night, working on the script," I tell him, moving the script out of the way and placing the tray in front of him. With a slight nod, Natsume grabbed an Onigiri and took a bight out of it. His head turned to the window and he started to choke on the Rice Ball. Flustered, I rub his back," Are you alright, Natsume?" I asked him. Finishing his coughing fit, he turned to me and glared.

"How long have you been here?" He scolded. I shrugged.

"Since you got home form the meeting this morning," I tell him. He face palmed.

"I thought it was afternoon," He grumbled. I laughed and shook my head.

"Nope," I answer," The sun has already set about an hour ago," I finish.

"Why didn't you leave, before than?" He scolded again. I shrugged.

"I wasn't paying attention to the time myself, and I was busy closing up for today," I tell him.

"Closing up?" He looked at me confused.

"You left the store open the whole day," I tell him. His eyes opened wide in shock and he slammed his hands into the desk.

"The shop was open???" He yelled. I nodded my head.

"I wrote in that catalog you have," I tell him," It was fairly easy," I shrug at the last part and he groaned. Looking up, he had a hint of pink plastered to his cheeks.

"Thanks for taking care of everything," He told me. Smiling widely, I shake my head.

"You don't need to thank me, anyways you should eat," I tell him. Smiling softly, Natsume ate the rest of the Rice Balls and sighed satisfied.

"Thanks for the food, it was really good," He told me. Smiling, I went to take the tray out of the way.

"Drink some tea and I'll leave you alone," I tell him, taking the tray and placing it in the kitchen to clean later. I walk back into the room to find Natsume placing an empty cup down.

"Thanks for everything," said Natsume, smiling at me.

"No problem, anyways how is the script going?" I asked him. Grabbing it, he handed it to me.

"What do you think?" He asked me. I read through it and smiled widely.

"I think it will be a great hit!" I tell him excitingly. He smiled widely.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded my head and looked back at the script.

"The combination of action and romance with a slice of comedy is wonderful," I tell him. He smiled widely and nods his head.

"I'm happy to hear that," he told me. I give him the script and nodded to him.

"I think a lot of your readers will come and see it," I tell him. He blushed when I said that and looked away. Reaching out, I tussle his hair causing him to jump, flustered.

"H-Hey!" he yelled swatting my hand away. I laugh and cross my arms.

"You all do that to me all the time," I tell him. He opened and closed his mouth, nothing coming out. Shrugging, I point to the script," you should get back to work," I tell him. Not arguing, he nods his head and picks his brush up.

"It's too dark for you to head home, so you can get my futon out and stay only tonight," He told me. I shook my head.

"I'll stay up with you," I stated. He looked at me startled and I shrugged," It's not fair that I get a good nights sleep and you stay up all night," I answer. Sighing, Natsume grumbled something and went at it, leaving me confused on what he said...

~~~~(Mini Time skip)~~~~(Also Third person POV)~~~~

Natsume had his nose stuck in the script for hours now and was on the last scene by now. With sore eyes, Natsume placed the brush down and rubbed his eyes with a sigh. Hearing a groan near him, he looked over and saw a (H/C) haired girl with her head laying on the table fast asleep. Sighing, he smiled cockily.

"Called it," He said. Her body shifted to where her side was touching his. Shocked, Natsume blushed, but showed no signs of moving. Timidly, he brought his hand out and placed it on the top of her head. She sighed as he did. With another sigh, Natsume brought his hand away ran his hand through his hair. Getting up, he got his futon out and picked the sleeping girl up and placed her in the futon, covering her up. With that, he returned back to his desk and went back to writing.

'Wonder how Kinshiro and Soji are dealing with not having (F/N) at their place?' He thought curiously.

~~~~(Time skip)~~~~(Reader-s POV)~~~~

About three hours after the sun came out, Natsume and I left and went to the Theater, where Hotaka was holding try outs and so on. I looked up at Natsume, who had bags under his eyes and was dragging his feet. Stumbling a little, I grabbed his arm and steadied him.

"How about we turn back, I can take the script myself and tell them you were up all night," I suggest. Natsume narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

"There's no point in turning back now, we're closer to the theater then my shop now," he stated. I frown up at him. Natsume, shrugged me off and started to walk on with out me. I stood there and stared at him, then I decided to say something.

"Natsume?" I hollered to him. He stopped and looked over at me with a grumpy look.

"What?" He asked.

".....You're going the wrong way," I tell him pointing to the other direction.

"Huh?" His eyes went wide in shock as he stared at me. Looking at where I was pointing, he narrowed his eyes and turned bright red out of either embarrassment or anger... I couldn't tell which. Natsume grabbed my wrist and started to drag me along," You got to be kidding me," He grumbled. Not wanting to make him more angry, I let him drag me along. After a while, we finally made it to the theater, where Natsume, slammed the door open and stomped in. Of course everyone was now looking at us. Walking over to Hotaka, Natsume placed the script in front of him," ... there's the script," he grumbled. Hotaka stared at Natsume seriously, and slowly picked the script up and read through it. Everyone was quiet as he read though it. Natsume's grip tightened as he watched Hotaka read through the script. I looked up at Natsume and saw how worried he was. Adjusting my hand to where I was holding his, I squeezed it reassuringly. He seemed to relax a bit and tightened his grip on mine. Finally, Hotaka closed the script and stared at it. Looking back up and Natsume, Hotaka finally smiled.

"This is the best script I have ever read," he said. Natsume looked shocked and one by one, everyone read through it and gave Natsume praises. Natsume turned red and looked away embarrassed.

"Well, I don't want to hear all of the complaining everyone would have done if I did terrible," He grunted. I chuckled and tilted my head.

"Oh! by the way," said Hotaka. Everyone turned to him. He wasn't looking at Natsume directly,"... Why are you holding (F/N)'s hand?" He asked. Natsume looked at my hand and after a second, he yanked his hand away and took many steps away from me.

"Natsume, must have gained some courage after writing that script," Laughed Sion. Natsume turned red.

"she was being too slow so I made her walk faster!" hissed Natsume. I pouted at his comment. Natsume wobbled a little and Wakasa placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You were up all night making the script, weren't you?" he asked. Natsume looked away and Waka looked over to me.

"Yep," I answered. Wakasa sighed and looked back to Natsume with a soft smile.

"You worked really hard, how about you sleep on that tatami over there of a while," Wakasa ordered. Natsume frowned and shook his head.

"I'll be fine," He said. Hotaka placed his hand on Natsume's shoulder and smiled happily.

"You worked really hard for me, You deserve some rest," Said Hotaka. Natsume looked reluctant, but did as told. Of course when he laid his head down, he was out like a light. Everyone stared at him softly and warmly.

"He worked really hard on it," I commented, feeling like a proud mother. Natsume looked peaceful as he slept and that made me happy. Sion took off his over coat and placed it on top of him.

"Wouldn't want him getting sick," he whispered. Natsume faintly smiled as he slept.

"Being up all night, his temperature is surely really low, one coat will not be enough," said Wakasa draping his over Natsume. Aoi smiled widely.

"So We're all draping our coats over him as a sign of thanks?" Aoi asked," Well, count me in on it too," said Aoi taking his coat off and placing it on Natsume.

"I suppose I should too," said Soji following in everybody's footsteps.

"Wait! I'm the one who asked him to write it!," gasped Hotaka," Natsume should be under my jacket," he declared taking his off. Hearing a pained grown, we all turned to Natsume who had a frown on his face. I smiled wryly, 'One more, Natsume's going to be crushed under all those jackets,' I thought. Even the thought of being under all of those made me feel suffocated," How about you, (F/N)?... oh, you don't have an overcoat on do you?" He said. I shook my head.

"No, and even if-!"

"That's okay!~ mine can be enough to say thanks from the both of us! HERE YOU GO NATSUME!" he said. Before I could say anything, Hotaka flung his on Natsume. You might not know this, but those jackets are really heavy on their own... five was just too much. Natsume's peaceful look was gone and it was now resorted to that of agony... he looked like he was stuck under all those coats for the rest of his life. I stared in worry and Sion, placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, It's just a sign of our thanks to Natsume for working so hard last night," he said. I looked at everyone, who was smiling cheerfully at Natsume. I wasn't going to win this battle.

"Alright! Let's read through the script some more and start rehearsal," said Hotaka clapping his hands quietly.

"...can't ... breathe," grumbled the still sleeping Natsume. Using all of my strength, I ignored Natsume's groans... Of course when he woke up, we were all scolded for almost killing him in his sleep...

~~~~(Time skip)~~~~

Since my character was already decided, I got to sit down beside Hotaka and watch the others rehearse for their rolls. The first person to come up was Aoi. With a sigh, Aoi got on one knee and bowed.

"I swear to protect you with my life," Aoi repeated. He looked up as if he was staring at princes Sakura," Even when I can't be directly by your side," He said.

"But if I don't have you by my side... this world will have no meaning to me," read Hotaka from the dialog.

"My village will surely come after you if I stand by you," said Aoi. Smiling, Hotaka nodded his head and looked up at Aoi.

"Cut! Great job, Aoi. Other than the fact that your actions were a little stiff and you seemed to reluctant talking to the princess, nothing was wrong with it," said Hotaka. He than looked over to me," Lets get you up there and see what it looks like with you up there," suggested Hotaka. Nodding my head, I got on stage and stood in front of Aoi. Nodding to each other we got ready," Alright!" clapped Hotaka. Taking my hand, Aoi kneeled to the ground and looked up at me.

"I swear to protect you with my life... Even if I cant be directly by your side," He said. I squeezed his hand and knelt down beside him.

"But if I don't have you by my side... This world will have no meaning to me," I said sadly. Aoi's eyes widened and his cheeks turned a bright red. Gulping, he squeezed my hand back and lowered his head.

"My village will surely come after you if I stand by you," He said. His voice was quiet and he didn't look up to me.

"CUT!" Yelled Hotaka. Aoi and I looked at Hotaka. He seemed to be thinking and wrote something down on paper. Looking up, he nodded to Aoi," Alright, you can go take you're seat, Sion, It's your turn," he hollered. Aoi, let go of my hand and winked to me before he went to sit. Sion, Jumped on the stage and placed his hand out to me. Smiling I grabbed it and stood up.

"Good luck, Sion," I tell him. He smiled softly and nodded his head to me.

"Go easy one me," He chuckled. Nodding our heads to each other, we got in our stands. Hotaka clapped his hands, telling us to begin.

"I swear to protect you with my life," Sion said kneeling down in front of me," Even when I can't be directly by your side," he said. Repeating what I did, I knelt down in front of him and squeezed his hand. He squeezed back and a little pain shot through my hand. I flinched a little, but succeeded to proceed.

"But if I don't have you by my side... This world will have no meaning to me," I said sadly. Sion looked at me troubled.

"My village will surely come after you if I stand by you," he said.

"Cut!" Yelled Hotaka. Looking at him, his face was scrunched up in thought. He soon smiled and nodded his head," Good job, but you're grip on her hand seems a little too tight," said Hotaka with concern. We both turned our attention to my hands that were actually turning a little too red. Sion, let go of me and smiled wryly.

"Sorry, I was a little too concentrated on the lines," he said. Smiling, I waved to him.

"It's fine," I told him,' Sion seemed a little clumsy there for a second though,' I thought.

"Alright, Wakasa! You're next," Chimed Hotaka. Sion left the stage and Wakasa came up. Wakasa, looked at me and smiled.

"Good luck," I told him. Wakasa laughed wryly, but nodded his head. We got in our stance and looked at each other. Hotaka clapped his hands.

"I Swear to protect you with my life. Even if I can't be directly by your side," said Wakasa with an emotionless face and stiffly, falling to the ground and a tight grip on my wrist. I was completely lost of words from the scene in front of me. I looked over to Hotaka and everyone, who seemed to be completely shocked as well. I looked back at Wakasa who now looked worried. I smiled wryly.

"CUT! CUT!" Wailed Hotaka. Wakasa slumped in despair.

"By the way everyone reacted, that was terrible," groaned the Doctor.

" He's such a good Doctor, you would expect him to be able to do anything!" Blurted out Aoi," But he's a complete ham on stage," He finished. Wakasa only seemed to slump a little deeper to the ground. Kneeling beside him, I patted his back reassuringly.

"It's alright, Wakasa," I told him. He looked up at me with a frown.

"...How about we put you back stage and you can help with props?" asked Hotaka. Wakasa smiled sadly and nodded his head. Standing up, Wakasa walked off stage and sat down near Natsume, who was still staring at the Doctor shocked. I smiled sadly at him and stood up, dusting myself.

"Alright, Soji...You're last," said Hotaka. Everyone turned to Soji, who looked mortified on coming on stage. With a wry look, Soji looked over at Hotaka.

"C-can I work backstage?" Asked Soji. Aoi laughed and nudged Soji.

"Nope, Natsume already did his part, and Wakasa in untrainable," stated Hotaka," We need one more actor, and that's going to be you either way," said Hotaka.

"What? You chicken or something?" Mocked Aoi. Soji narrowed his eyes and snapped back.

"I just don't want too!" He yelled.

"Bock, bock, bock!" joined in Sion. With a growl, Soji jumped up and onto the stage and stormed to me.

"Fine! I'll prove it!" he yelled. Soji looked at me, and by the look in his eyes... he was nervous. I smiled to him and that seemed to calm him down. With a sigh, he got in his stance with me following along. Hotaka clapped. Soji, gingerly took my hand and bent down onto one knee. He looked up at me as if he was determined.

"I swear to protect you with my life," His expression changed to that of pure pain, along with a sad smile, that captured Sakura's heart," Even... If I can't be directly by your side," he said, painfully. My mouth was open wide in shock and my mind was now blank. Snapping out of it, I went on.

"B-But if I don't have you by my side... The world will have no meaning to me," I went on. Sighing, Soj-... Hasime, placed a hand on my cheek and brought my hand to his cheek.

"My village will surely come after you if I stand by you," He said. My mouth hung open again and I looked over to Hotaka who was gawking at the scene in front of him... So was everybody else. I looked back at Soji, who gave me a look of worry," it was horrible, wasn't it?" He asked. Shocked, I shook my head vigorously.

"Absolutely not! That might be one of the best performances I have ever seen!!!" Yelled Hotaka, who was standing up now. Soji looked at him shocked and to me, who smiled brightly.

"It was honestly breath-taking," I said," I felt like crying, by how pained you looked," I told him.

"Have you ever acted before?" asked Natsume. Soji shook his head.

"No" he stated.

"So it's a naturally born talent," said Sion, wryly. Soji seemed to be very confused on what we were telling him, because he was looking at us bewildered. Hotaka jumped on stage and snapped a finger at Soji.

"Alright, It's settled," Hotaka snapped," You will play Hasime, Sion will play Lord Tomoe, and Aoi will be Hanzo," He declared.

"Wait! Why am I the bad guy?" snapped Aoi.

" Because you look like a bad guy," Hotaka added.

"Hey!" growled Aoi. Soji, looked at me confused.

"What just happened?" He asked me. I laughed and patted his shoulder.

"You, my friend... is now playing the lead role... Hasime," I tell him. Soji slumped and sighed.

"What have I gotten myself into this time," he muttered," I feel like I was played," He added.

"You aren't wrong with that," I tell him in my language, while I was still smiling. With this, the vigilante acting group was formed.... and we only had 6 days to perfect it....



...To be continued... maybe...

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