Time with him Group B

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~~~~(Time with Sion)~~~~

"Lady (F/N)!" yelled one of the servants, that worked at the Iseya house. I smiled as I bowed to her.

"Good evening. I was wondering if Sion was here?" I asked. She smiled brightly and nodded her head.

"Yes! He's right in his room! I'll lead the way," said the servant, as she guided me. We reached his room and bowed to me once again.

"Here you are!" she said. Smiling kindly, I bowed back.

"Thank you," I said straightening up. She walked off and left me at the door. Sighing, I lightly tapped the screen door," Sion? May I come in?" I asked.

"(F/N)? Yes of course," said Sion on the other sided of the door. I smiled as I opened the door. Sion was sitting at a little table and looked like he was reading a book.

"Hi. Sorry for the intrusion. Kinshiro just wanted me to drop off a few things," I said as I placed a small box down on the table and took a seat. Sion's purple eyes brightened as he smiled.

"Thank you. Would you like some tea?" asked Sion as he already stood up and went to a little tea pot that was in the corner.

"Sure," a answered, looking around. His room was really nice and had more character  compared to mine.

"Here you go," said Sion as he passed me a cup.

"Thank you, very much," I said and too a sip," Your room looks very nice," I commented, taking in the rest of the room. I heard Sion chuckle and turned to him.

"Thank you. I would imagine your room to have your personality in it," he commented. I stopped the cup right at my lips and smiled nervously. 'A joined room with nothing but a small dresser, a table, and futon... yep that sounds just right,' I thought. I couldn't help but chuckle.

'What?" asked Sion with curiosity. I placed my cup down and leaned on the table.

"Oh Nothing~" I coed," Just thought about how weird it is not having anybody else living in the same room," I muttered. Sion went silent and I turned to him. His eyes were wide and his cheeks flushed red," What?" I asked confused. He seemed to snap out of it and spoke.

"Did you... live with your lover?" he asked. I sat there and stared at him blankly, trying to process what he was asking me.


"Did you live with your lover?"

".... Sion?"


"I had to share a room with my sister... her stuff took up most of the room. And on the second note, I've never been with someone so seriously... in my life," I stated. Sion smiled wryly and put his hands up. Quickly his smile faded and he looked at me in shock.

"Wait. Why not?" he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and took the cup.

"Don't know. I guess it's because I haven't met anyone serious about me," I explained, taking a sip.

"I am,"

"PFFFFFFFFF!!!!" I spitted into my cup and tea came up and shot me in the face," *HACK*!!" His words hit me so fast that, that was my first reaction.

"Are you alright," said Sion stunned and about to touch my back.

"WHAT????" I squeaked panicked. I had green tea dripping down my face, but I didn't care. Sion grabbed a towel and rubbed my face.

"I was just joking, but I didn't expect you to panic like that," said Sion with a wry chuckle. I just stared up at him stunned.

'I don't know if all of this stress it good for my heart... and hair,' I thought as I let Sion clean the tea off of me, curious if my hair was turning white.

~~~~( time with Hotaka)~~~~

I was picking up a squash in one of the carts at the supermarket and examining it for any signs of bruising.

"This one will do," I said and showing the person in control. He was an old man that looked like he worked in a field. He looked up and smiled kindly to me.

"Ah! Miss (L/N). It's good to see you these days," he laughed. I smiled back at him.

"Right back at you," I said. I gave him a few gold coins and was about to walk away when I heard a familiar voice.

"(FFFFFFFFFF/NNNNNNNNN)!!!~~~" it yelled. I stopped and turned only to pale.

"Uhhhhh," was the only thing I heard come out of me. Hotaka was running up to me... in female wearing. Like... heavy make up and everything. Kinda like what he looked like when I first met him. I looked around to find all eyes on me. I chuckled, but quickly squeaked when Hotaka ran into me while wrapping his arms around me and spinning me.

"I haven't seen you in forever!!!" he said.

"Please put me down!" I gasped. I felt solid ground touch my feet and sighed.

"I thought you liked hugs," said Hotaka as he/she tilted his head. I smiled wryly and put my hands up in defense.

"I don't in particularly hate them," I stated. Hotaka squinted his eyes and came closer.

"But?" He slurred. My nose scrunched when I smelled alcohol.

"Hotaka? Have you been drinking?" I asked skeptically. Hotaka leaned back and laughed.

"hahaha. Guilty as charged," he laughed. I sighed and grabbed his arm.

"Geeze, let's get you back home," I mumbled, hating the idea of having to start lunch later.

"Alright," said Hotaka as he moved his arm and held my hand while leaning his head on top of mine.

"How'd you get drunk?" I asked.

"I was walking back home after a play and two guys asked if I wanted to go to a restaurant with them and get some sake. I'm not going to let free sake pass by," mumbled Hotaka.

"So you're saying they were hitting on you, thinking you're a girl?" I clarified.


"Hotaka... that's priceless," I laughed. Hotaka growled and held my hand tighter. I tried asking him what was wrong, but he ignored me. We finally made it to his room and he collapsed. He had his back turned to me and I huffed," Alright, I'm heading back home," I said and made my way to the door, only to have my arm being pulled "EEKK!" I squeaked as I went into Hotaka's lap as he sat up. Flustered, I tried to pull away, but Hotaka held me in place," HOTAKA! YOU LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!" I yelled angry. Hotaka pulled me closer and laid his head on my shoulder.

"You laughed at me," He mumbled.

"huh?" I said confused.

"You laughed at me," he repeated. I angled my head to where I could look into his face. His eyes looked down and his lips were puckered. I felt my cheeks turn red as I was about to laugh again.

"Um... Hotaka, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at those men who flirted with you," I stated, Then it hit me," Wait... Hotaka are you... um... do you... like...men?" I asked. Hotaka didn't move, but looked up at me. I felt him grab the other side of my head and pull it down. Before I knew it, Hotaka was kissing my cheek. He slowly pulled away and stared up at me.

"Does that answer your question?" Hotaka asked manly. In my head, all I wanted to do was smack his face and run away, but could only muster up a nod. Hotaka smiled and hugged me.

"Aww! I can't help it! You're just too cute!!!" cooed Hotaka. I just sat there stiff, feeling my own head spin. It wasn't because he kissed me. No, it was the fact that he kissed me dressed up and looking like a freaking china doll!

~~~~(time skip)~~~~

I walked out of the room with my bag on tow. I stayed a little longer than I wanted to.

"Lady (L/N)?" I heard a female servant call out for to me. I turned to her and stared at her.

"Hello," I bowed. I looked back at her and saw a look of pure shock," What?" I asked.

"Um.... you have lipstick on your cheek," she stated. I brought my hand to my cheek and rubbed it.

'Stupid Hotaka!!" I screamed in my head, as I gave and excuse to her...

~~~~(Time with Wakasa)~~~~

"Hello? Wakasa? Can I come in?" I asked as I patted the sliding door.

"Of course," I heard Wakasa yell. I slid open the door to his clinic and walked in. I walked over to another door that I knew was wakasa's "Office" and opened the door. Wakasa looked up at me from his book and smiled.

"Hello. Sorry if I'm intruding," I bowed and sat on the other side if his table. He saved his place and closed his book.

"Not at all. In fact, I was getting a little bored with nothing to do," he laughed wryly. I chuckled and placed a book on his table.

"Here. I brought the book you let me borrow back," I said as I slid it to him. He smiled and took the book.

"Thank you. So what did you think of it?" he asked curious.

"It gave me a good idea on what to do in those kinds of situations," I said," Like how to place a dislocated shoulder back, or how to level a broken leg, or how to help give birth!" I said.

"Hahaha! You should already know what to do when giving birth," Laughed Wakasa as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, but the chances of using those are slim," I laughed.

"DR. WAKASA!!!!" screamed a male voice as the door slammed open. I squeaked as Wakasa sat up.

"What's wrong?" he asked calmly.

"MY WIFE!!!!...BABY!!!!!!" he was screaming panicked. Wakasa stood up and grabbed his kit.

"She wasn't due until next week!" yelled Wakasa as he headed to the door," (F/N) I'll need you to come and help me assist them," he finished. I felt panicked then. I was about to reject, but was pulled along.


"Deep breaths," said Wakasa softly. The lady was screaming and was not happy. While her husband was panicking, she was making rude comments.

"Shut up! You sound like a-AHHHHHHH!!" she screamed as she had another contraption. It was taking my everything to keep my cool.

"(F/N)!" ordered Wakasa.

"Y-yes?" I said in a faint voice.

"Get the cloth ready," he ordered. I brought my hands closer and after a few more tries, the baby was delivered. I swaddled the baby after we cleaned him and handed him over to his parents.

"OOOOOH! Hello little one. Welcome to this big world," said the mother as she cried tears of joy. The father came closer and stared at his new born baby. A soft smiled crept his lips and he looked to his wife.

"You did wonderful dear," he said and kissed her on the forehead. She smiled up at him and sighed.

"I think we should go," Wakasa whispered into my ear. I nodded my head and stood up with him. My legs were wobbly so I almost went down. Luckily, Wakasa studied me and helped my walk. As we walked out the door I head the women speak.

"They make a cute couple, don't they?" I heard her say, before the door closed. I felt my cheeks turn red and looked up at Wakasa. He looked startled himself as his cheeks were red.

"I... think we gave them the wrong idea," I said, finally finding my voice.

"Yeah..." muttered Wakasa. He looked at me with that nervous smile he always given when he was embarrassed. I smiled in response.



"I think I need a drink of tea," I stated still feeling faint. Wakasa laughed as he guided me back to the clinic...

~~~~(Time with Kinshiro)~~~~

After having tea with Wakasa, I walked back home and to Kinshiro's room. I timidly knocked on the door.

"Can I came in?" I asked.

"You may enter," said Kinshiro. I opened up the door and went into his room and to my normal spot.

"Hey, sorry I took so long. Where's Soji?" I asked. Kinshiro smiled.

"He went to bed early. He had a long day at work," stated Kinshiro. I hummed 'At least he didn't have to watch a scary women give birth,' I thought.

"So! How was your evening?" he asked. I chuckled and decided to tell him the truth.

"That.. might have been the scariest experience of my life," I said feeling faint again, And I was shot at!" I added.

"Well... that is... interesting," said Kinshiro uncomfortable. I laid my head on the table.

"Stupid Eve eating that dum apple," I muttered in my language.

"Don't you plan on having kids?" asked Kinshiro. I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm still a child myself. Having a kid when I'm a kid myself is not such a good idea," I stated.

"You seem to be a woman now?" asked Kinshiro curious.

"Yes, but... If I have a kid at this age the chances of me dying are higher, right. I should at least wait until my body can be stronger to support the child and me," I spouted out things that I learnt from the book I barrowed from Wakasa. Kinshiro looked at me in shock.

"You should at least marry," said Kinshiro.

"Haven't met the right one, I guess," I shrugged. Kinshiro leaned onto the table and stared at me harder.

"How about the other vigilantes?" he asked. I looked up in thought.

"I... won't deny that I haven't thought of them that way, but...," 'I don't know how long I'll be here,' was what I was thinking to say, but that would probably alarm him," Oh no matter. We'll just have to see what happens," I finally said.

"What?" said Kinshiro confused. I looked out the open window and to the moon.

"Maybe tomorrow or never. Maybe one day I'll have to leave and stay gone. Or they would and never come back. Or maybe one day one of them will be the one I rely on the most and we'll be together. We'll just have to see," I said. A long silence took over.

"I guess... you have a point," said Kinshiro as he put his lips to his pipe.

"We'll just have to see," I mumbled as a wave of sadness hit me. What would happen if I didn't want to leave? Or if I did fall in love? Would I still need to go? I let the thought of my friends fill my mind and smiled.



...Nothing would change... even if I were to vanish...

...the end...  

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