David X Reader (first time meeting)

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Reader's POV

Everything is going out of control in Destection City for a dangerous reason, I hear the Dominators are attacking other other wheelerz just to take over the world, they are after the younger ones and I think that is messed up, I'm lucky they didn't know about me yet.
It's not like I am scared of them, I trained hard to be the best wheeler and well I'm not that much of a fan of Team Estrella, yes I have heard of them, Sho won the tournament  and I'm not that impressed. I was just walking and minding my own business since I need a break from training with my B/N, I trained for a long time but now I feel very tired so I'm planning on going back home but something felt wrong, I felt like somebody is watching me as I quickly turned around and nobody was there.

"was this some kind of joke or am I just playing with myself?" I  thought as I turned around and walked again and this feeling is still bothering me as I turned to another street but still I fee that maybe somebody is following me. "who's there?" I asked out loud and there was no response, I sighed but I almost ended up with a heart attack when I saw a boy almost at the exact same age as I am suddenly jumped down in front of me and he had a serious look on his face, I yelled and jumped back.

"who are you you and what do you want from me?!" I yelled, still scared as the boy was still looking at me, he looked mad as he took out his launcher along with his Beywheel and aiming to my direction, a golden looking Bey that's when I realized he was part of the Dominators like I saw on the news. "you there, come with me if you don't want your Bey to be destroyed!" said the teen in a deep tone of voice. "like I would join you for talking to me like that!" I responded angrily as I quickly took out my Beywheel B/n pointing it to his direction. (I'm too lazy to eplain the whole battle thing sooo just use your imagination)

"big mistake you made for talking back at me, go Herculeo!" said the boy as he launches his bey. "go get him B/n!" I yelled as I launched my bey fast as they race towards each other then an explosion occurs, they were clashing each other multiple times as my bey jumps then hits hard against Herculeo hard, I quickly demanded my bey to do a counter attack as it viciously clashed against the boy's Beywheel. "go hard B/n!" I yelled as my bey quickly spins away from Herculeo, increasing more energy while Herculeo chases after my bey.

"you can't run away, battle me!" yelled the dark haired boy. "Special Move B/n" (you make your own special move it's your choice not mine) I yelled as it quickly hit the boy's bey harder, the wind blows heavily, the glass/windows break, some trees were sent flying away, and the birds flew away from the explosion.

I opened an eye and saw that Herculeo had stop spinning, it was buried underground as I got very happy, I won! "yes I did it!!!!" I yelled in excitement but I got scared when the boy approached to me close. "you, what's your name?" he asked, "um... Y/n" I squeaked and he examined me, he nods. "my name is David, I have to say you're very strong and I'm impressed with those skills you have" he smiled a bit and I kind of blushed. "oh um...." I had no idea what to say to him, my god he looks cute, the way he looks at me right now.

"I decided to join your team!" I said loudly, scared of how he will respond. "the come along, Leader A and B might accept you as part of the Dominators" David hold my hand and it felt soft as he pulled me to the D.R.E.A.M. Headquarters where the group trains at. "you're cute you know that right?" said David, jesus christ I thought I was going to explode when he tells me that. "y-yeah..." I sighed happily while blushing like crazy as he hold my hand tighter, it feels like he doesn't want to let it go. and I finally got to be a Dominator!

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