Jin x reader: headcannons

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💙 - ah yes, the charming wheeler has caught your heart, very handsome yet clever, intelligent, and brave to be your one and only prince charming, yeah he does have a lot of fan girls but surprisingly he couldn't even care less about their feelings for him

💙 - but it's also not like he's the bad guy, oh no not at all, at first when he met you you were much more different than any others he had med, he wanted to get to know you better, he seems like an introvert but hey at least he tried

💙 - some how he successfully succeeded, he felt accomplished when he asked you out and you said yes, felt like that damn but naked cupid shot him right in the head because he's head over heels in love with you (get it? no? oh okay)

💙 - he had never experienced dating so this is brand new to him and you're the only one who have to teach him about love/romance

💙 - sometimes there are times when you think to yourself "wow... out of all the guys/gals he chose me?" yes it was a big surprised, somehow you managed to open his heart out for you, that's how much you meant to him

💙 - although he may not be a show off but still he'd do anything for you

💙 - you guys are walking at a park in a nice sunny day, all of a sudden Glen just blocks your way and would strike a convo or flirting at you, Jin just really wants to knock him out  so in the end they got into a bey battle and Kin eventually won, for his award you kissed him all over the face, he loves it when you do that

💙 - he has to protect you from Glen, you know that scene from Dora the Explorer when Swiper comes out? "Glen no stealing my girlfriend!" "MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!" Glen would scream/swear before walking off throwing a hissy fit, failed to make you dump Jin (I'm sorry this was shitty but I can't help but smile at this)

💙 - he loves giving you piggy back rides whenever he feels like it, even carrying you in his arms, everywhere you want to go he will hold you without letting you go

💙 - when you cook, he helps you out, mostly he'd slice up things because he doesn't want you to cut yourself with sharp objects, and there are times he won't even let you touch one...

* "y/n!" Jin would yell out before running towards you and snatching the knife away from your hand, "let me cut up the onions for you"

* "Jin seriously I can do this myself"

*"no, sit back and relax while I do the work/cooking for you, a princess like you shouldn't hurt yourself"

and that ladies and gentle men is also the reason why you're crazy for him

💙 - Jin would also teach you self defense (aye he's a karate master), so when Glen approaches you again you'd kick him hard where the sun doesn't shine and Glen would let out an unholy scream as Jin watching from afar is so proud of you

💙 - dude's good with kids and is supper supportive of them as he even defends them like a protective parent, I mean he'd be a great dad if you guys ever.... you know 👀 -cough-

💙 - the perfect moment when you guys are together at your place is when it's raining in the lazy mornings, he loves cuddling (not to much), he'd rest his head onto your thighs, and pecks your nose with a kiss, even loves long sweet kisses lip to lip, in the end you both end up sleeping together while it was raining outside

💙 - dragon boi won't let you walk outside alone and neither at night, hey you may never know when the baddies will get you, so he'll gladly walk beside you (he also wants to walk wit you cuz he feels lonely -cough-

💙 - you guys are made for each other, he's the perfect guy, the one for you, so who knows what'll happen next, the rest is up to you

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