The angry beast x sweet girl

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For you, the one who wanted a Leon story, sorry I haven't been in Wattpad for 8 months


~Leon Fierce's P.o.v. ~

"I told you to leave me alone!!!!!" I yelled at Sho what I'm trying to say to leave me be, god I I'm getting tired of Sho being the good little kid thinking about friendship and good spirit, what annoys me more than the Dominators is that Jin was by Sho's side as those kids won't stop interrupting our training. God I just wish there is some person.... some girl.... an angel who knows to help me cool down, but most of them are kids and others are fans of Jin Ryu, I just don't know how to cool down my anger, yes I do get mad easily because I have a lot going through my mind.... The wheelerz around Destection city being in danger, Dominators causing chaos down town, and kids now asking me to train them to get stronger so they can show those filthy Dominators who's boss, I keep telling them over and over again that strength is important and training needs to keep a strong wheeler go on for years, they are so careless about their surroundings that Sho, Jin, and I have to come to the rescue daily, if only there a special person...... somebody that can understand what I went through........

Jin made me madder "Leon quit acting such a loser and get yourself together, we need your support, even those kids." I snapped by turning my head fast at him "ask someone else for help, I'm tired of of helping, I won't let anyone else stop me from battling Sho because I want a rematch, even from you Jin, that time when you stole that victory from me!!!!" I walked away as fast as I could from Sho who kept calling my name along with Jin, and so are the other wheelerz, I walked to an old looking alley to avoid Sho Tenma and Jin Ryu a bit faster as I got lost into my thoughts for about 5 minutes while walking...... suddenly I heard yelling, it sounding coming from a voice..... a beautiful voice coming from a girl, I rushed to see what was going on.

Reader's P.o.v.

I had spent enoug time running, running from those Dominators, the reason why I flee from them it's because they defeated me in a bey battle, there was just so many I couldn't handle all of them myself as one of them want me to serve Dominators, I rejected their words but now they are trying to take me away by force. I ran and ran yelling for help as hot tears streaming down to my cheeks then to my neck, I never felt so scared in all my life, "help, somebody please I beg of you!!!!" yelling at the top of my lungs as I almost ran out of breath and I heard from behind me one of those horrible teens "serve Dominators or else you will face the consequences!!!!" As they launched their beys at me, I thought I had lost hope..... then a few seconds later that was when I realized I was wrong.....

"Leave the girl alone!!!!!" I heard a voice of a male as I turned to see a golden beywheelz flying past above my head, I turned to the the beywheel slamming against the others, pressing it against a building then smashing it onto the ground to see cracks on the concrete, then the golden beywheel hit the others that are left standing right at those Dominator slaves right into their face, I got very nervous ehen he looked at me. Those Dominator guards tried to get up while holding their faces as they groan in pain.

Leon's P.o.v.

Now I know that I' not allowed to attack any wheelerz with my beywheel as a weapon since it's a strict rule, but I never saw something so low, attacking a beautiful girl and chasing her down like that, this will never be forgiven I could feel anger flowing through my face as I tighten up my fist, I yelled amgrily at those fools "Get the hell out of here, the next time I see you attacking any more wheelerz and this poor girl right here, I will make sure you will pay for what you have done!!!!". It seems they got the message because they pick up their beys and left running pff like the cowards they are, I yelled again and slam my fist onto the walls, swearing underneath my breath, continuing slamming my fist onto the bricks until I felt a smooth hand stopping my arms, then the voice came along that made me feel so..... relaxed

"Please calm down, don't hurt yourself, maybe I should be the one to get hurt" I then turned to see the same girl I had helped out, I could feel her trembling voice, it feels like I can feel her pain as I sighed, holding her small hands tightly. "Hey don't say that, these clowns shouldn't have cause harm to you, if only they never existed" I shut my eyes tightly, feeling the anger rising up to me again, until I felt her hand gently placed onto my forehead that for some reason it quickly made me calm down. "Hey, it's okay now, I promise things will get better soon" it sure sounds like she was right, I offored her for a walk on the park and she agrees as we were having small talks.

Reader's P.o.v.

We were having a friendly conversstion, we talked a bit about ourselves, what we do for a living, favorite hobbies, things we like to do on our free time, we also have a few things in common, like singing along with radios while inside any vehicles, long fun trips, movies, places we wanted to see, and yes we do bey battle, it feels so awesome talking to him, we talked for about half an hour now, I did have to tell him what was I doing on my own because since I'm just some regular lonesome teen having trouble to get along with other people, he kind of asked an awkward question if we could be friends, it just feels so good to be true I quickly said yes we can be friends, I noticed how super cute he looks

While he tried to polish his bey I just gazed, his precious eyes, that smile of his, his soft spike green forest hair, hoe tall he was, his voice sound so perfect, everything about him is perfect, I can't help but having the feeling that I like him a bit.... maybe more soon, I kind of got distracted when I see kids running somewhere else to have fun

Leon's P.o.v.

While she was looking at the other way I looked at her, boy did I became a nervous wreck, I could feel my cheeks burning up, she is just to beautiful, not just her looks but her personality makes her so innocent, so sweet, and the way hownshe helps me get distracted from my temper it surprised me so much, I'm glad I get to be her friend, well it was awkward when I asked her that but still it feels good, wait... am I crushing her already? But we just met, plus I just saved her from those pests this afternoon, I thought more.... where have you been in all my life? You came at the perfect timing....

"Hey?" I snapped out of it when The girl gently speak up, her voice sounds like music to my ears as well.... OH CRAP!!!. "yes?" I asked nervously. "It's getting kind of dark" I nodded in agreement, I got so nervous my brain decided to take control of my body, my muscles, my stupid self decided to scoot a bit more next to her as she looked up at the sky, my cheeks burned so much. "Look at those stars, they are so beautiful when they brighten up, that also shows how life is heautiful as well" she smiles as I listened to her, I looked up at the and she was right, we should ennoy our lives, not letting anyone else control it, and to protect our lives no matter what... oh god.... my stupid head decided to make me blurt out something I regret saying but hey it's the truth. "Yeah..... beautiful.... not as beautiful as you are" I quietly said as the girl looked at me very confused as she tilted her head a bit sideways, I quicjly played dumb by making myself cough hard, she patted my back softly for comfort

"Leon, Leon where are you?" Oh crap it's Sho, I could see him from afar with Jin, I helped the girl up and I talked "it was nice meeting you, it was awesome to have someone to talk to, we should hang out sometime, maybe tomorrow perhaps? oh and I'm Leon Fierce by the way" I was such an idiot not introducing myself before I came to help her out. "I'd love to spend time with you and my name is Y/n" she smiled and walked off, I kept looking back to her as I walked up to Sho and Jin.... Y/n..... I kept repeating her name quietly to myself..... maybe you are the girl I wished for, The love of my life, I can't wait to meet up with you tomorrow, I smiled happily behind Sho and Jin


There you go, I hope you enjoy it
I tried to make it romantic as possible

Beywheelz One-Shot!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ