Covey Horn x Reader: headcannon

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I mean if you like Covey it's okay, ain't nobody judging, which is why I'm making this headcannon


❤️ - hey it's a free world boys and girls, who cares what guy/gal you prefer dating, you just don't care about appearance and all since it doesn't matter to you at all so you just don't care if everyone's disgusted that you're dating this bull boi, Covey

❤️ - Covey's surprised he got you as his boyfriend/girlfriend, I mean he used to be insecured about how he looks but here you are assuring for Covey to love himself of who he is and looks doesn't matter, so he listens to you

❤️ - big guy loves hugs and cuddles, he loves to randomly poke you, mostly your cheeks cuz they're soft and squishy, sometimes he even likes pinching your cheeks but not too hard

❤️ - he dragged Leon over to meet you and then it got awkward when you three hang out as Leon felt like he's in the 3rd wheel

❤️ - Covey didn't like the fact that you and Nicole are friends, no way she took his best pal Leon so he can't let her take you away from him as well

❤️ - hella protective of you, mostly protects you from Sting like a pissed off bull

❤️ - he protecc, he attacc, but most importantly... he thicc

❤️ - Sho would excitedly cheer for covey when he sees you two going out, he would scream "YEAH WOOO WAY TO GO COVEY!!!"  "COME ON COVEY, YOU CAN DO IT!!!"   "ATTA BOY COVEY, GO GET 'ER!!!"   "DON'T BE SHY, SHOW SOME LOVIN'!!!!"    any thing he could scream would leave Covey super flustered while you think it's cute

❤️ - yeah I know big people eat alot but at the same time he finds new things for you to try, it's quite fun (I remember my first time trying sushi and I can't stop getting them even nigiri ones)

❤️ - yes we all remember when he likes staring at them cheerleaders and it would somewhat upset you, but once he does he'd be sobbing to you and just forces himself not to stare at anyone else, you're confused and tell him he doesn't have to do force himself not to look or communicate to others, but seeing you upset he won't let that happen... FOR THE SAKE OF THE RELATIONSHIP YOU TWO ARE IN!!!

❤️ - he's excited when it comes to touring, so he'd bug you to take him where you use to live at (if you still live there, he's excited to know about your past life, like what school you used to go to, where war your home (if you still live there), where is your favorite place to go, which favorite place you love o hang out/relax at, fav restaurant, fav store, ect.

❤️ - he likes being kissed in the cheeks, give him a little pecks... okay one more.. one more... one more time... fuck it give him more

❤️ - his favorite place to see/event to go to are rodeos, so of course he'll drag you there to watch the bull fight

❤️ - there are times when he panics when he's in a bey battle, but his mind will be put to ease when you cheer for him and telling him he has nothing to be afraid of, how he could win, so hearing these kinds words will be ringing in his ears and he'll win for sure big time, he'll give you a big hug and a kiss

❤️ - Covey is just so happy to have someone like you who loves and supports him, even through bad times you'll always pop out in time to comfort him, to him you're the best girlfriend/boyfriend, super lucky he gets to feel at least how it feels to be loved, mainly from you

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