Lucy McClain/Leader B x Reader: headcannon

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Lucy/Leader B also used to be my 2nd little gay crush -////-

okay lets get to it


Lucy McClain

💕 - you're dating this sweet nerdy looking girl, hooray!

💕 - you'd pepper her with kisses and even her cheeks which she loves it, so when you'd visit her you'd greet her by wrapping your arms around her and kiss her while she giggles and blushes

💕 - Lucy loves sitting on your lap and you'd sit on her lap too, I mean she got them nice legs tho, I mean if you lesbi/bi she loves feeling your legs up and down, but I mean if you a guy/straight/bi (I mean it's up to you) perhaps she loves you still

💕 - buys you cute stuffed plushies, her favorite things to get for you are teddy bears holding hearts that says "kiss me", you have a bunch of those stuffed bears all over your room but they're super cute to even get rid of

💕 - loves it when you brush and braid her hair, add a flower and she'll toss her arms around you, giving you a long sweet kiss

💕 - Lucy wouldn't mind staying over at your lace to chill and cuddle, aaah she loves it when you're on top of her so she could wrap her arms around you, feeling your warmth

💕 - you support her in anyway you can when she's at work just doing her job, when she's on a break time she'd mostly spend time with you, she even loves taking cute/silly selfies with you so to your surprise she has that as her wallpaper on laptop/phone/tablet

💕 - she will blush like crazy when you carried her she'd hold onto you so you won't fall... bonus if you both did fall she'll land on top of he, she dummy T H I C C tho, soft thicc

💕 - I mean Lucy does have a place of her own to stay at but she loves staying over at your place for a few days/weeks, so when it's morning she always wakes up first, you don't need an alarm because she wakes you up with a sweet soft kiss on the lips, she's also nice enough to prepare breakfast so both you and her would share together

💕 - Lucy's the perfect girlfriend for you, she best waifu


Leader B:

💕 - oh my god.. she finally shows her true self... welp lets begin shall we?

💕 - Leader B is a huge tease, loves to playfully rub under your chin with one finger, feeling your chest/pecs/breasts whatever, and playfully forces you to sit on her lap demanding a kiss from you, she wants a long lasting kiss, but I mean if you're the one making her sit on your lap she'll still tease you playfully

💕 - hickeys, lots of hickeys, she loves hearing you gasp/moan, she wants you to do it back to her

💕 - would always pin you against the wall or have you cornered, you're all hers, but she'll beat the shit out of anyone if they ever see or tries to be a perv watching you two (mostly Leader B) having some fun/alone time

💕 - she's crazy jealous, she'd even go far stalk that once person who talked to you or something then she'll be destined to destroy him/her so they won't be a burden between you and her

💕 - Leader B tends to giggle when she's on top of you, refusing to let you turn her to a bottom as she loves watching you squirm, but I man if you're strong enough to turn her to a bottom she'll be shocked but lets you do whatever you want, just do it~

💕 - you're gonna take a shower? great she'll join you! are you gonna change clothes? nice she wants to watch you take your clothes off! (what the actual fuck is wrong with my brain)

💕 - you gotta nick name for her.. mommy~~~, call her that and she'll scream at you to shut up while blushing, but she'll come back to you later anyways~

💕 - Leader B may be an evil bitch but she is a huge softie only to you

💕 - it feels like she turned you into her little bish instead of you turning her into your bish, she owns you lol

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