Last Letter

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Dear Min Yoongi

I know it seems cruel. To lie like that. But now you can truly be forgiven, I know you spread the rumours Yoongi I'm not an idiot.

So much pain, physically, mentally and emotionally. Even now that it's over I can't escape it.

Did you really think beating up Hoseok would make me feel better? Or did you just want to keep him quiet?

We staged that little indecent, don't get me wrong I can't stand him but he proved useful.

I sent the letters myself. The second you replied I knew my plan would work.

You let me close to you again, close to everyone. Then all I had to do was get Hoseok to beat the shit out of me...

... and say it was you.

I wish I could stay alive and see my plan work but I'm still tormented by the nightmares and pains YOU caused.

The only thing I feel truly bad for is leaving Namjoon so soon. He was kind, handsome, smart...and I think we were falling for each other. But I'm so tormented and broken because of the things YOU made happen, the things THEY did. They'll get a suicide note blaming it on you. It is your fault after all.

Show them this if you wish, I got your handwriting down to a tee don't you think?

Hoseok gave me my last batch of pills today.

I'll already have taken them by the time this letter sends.

I truly did love you hyung.

But I gave you my heart and you broke it into a thousand and one pieces.

So it's too late.

Goodbye hyung.

See you on the other side

"You can't put a broken mirror back together"

Sincerely the boy who loved you like a fool while you turned the world against him.

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