Chapter 4

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"T-the host club?" asked Nagisa, "why are we here?"
"Well," Tamaki began "We have noticed that the frequent visitors of the host club have been decreased due to all the attention you two have received, so we have decided that it would be a splendid idea for you to join the host club-" Tamaki rambled as he was cut off by Karma, "A host club is a place where you entertain girls, correct?" Now, Karma was straight as a rainbow circle, but he figured since they really didn't have anything else to do, it would be at least a little entertaining.

"That's correct! And-" "Then why is there a girl here? Are they gay orrr?"

"Wha?" Ah right, of course they had no idea Nagisa and Karma knew Haruhi was a girl, they would eventually find out if they joined but, if people thought Nagisa was a girl, they figured they came to the conclusion that of course they would think Haruhi was a boy if dressed properly. Though unfortunately they don't fall for that shit, they're Karma and Nagisa after all. "W-What ever do you mean?!" Tamaki stuttered as he clung onto the composed glasses wearing host, " H-Haruhi here is obviously a male! No female pronouns required! After all they are a boy!"


So yeeah Ya know how I said Karma and Nagisa don't take that shit? I meant it, they really don't take that shit. "They're a girl, obviously, I'm kinda surprised that people haven't noticed it yet, right Karma?" Questioned the blunette as he looked up at the lovechild of satan and yuri, "Yeah" said Karma, "Its pretty fucking easy to tell, in fact, maybe we should tell everyone this truth!" Karma chuckled mischievously as 3 words popped into Nagisa's head.
'This fucking sadist'
Now the host club was running out of options, if Haruhi's gender would be revealed then the host club would surely go out of business. So the only thing to do was to make Karma and Nagisa join the host club without any cracks, easy right? w r o n g. Nagisa had been against it, while Karma was all for it, Nagisa sure was stubborn, but if anyone could convince him to do it, it would be Karma or their one hell of a dead teacher. The host club would be opening soon, and they had to get them to join quickly so that they could find a type and everything, so in other words, time was running short. So eventually they decided that Nagisa and Karma would supervise the host club today and make their decision tomorrow, Karma just had to get Nagisa convinced by the end of the day.

-timeskip brought to u by Dominos Oreo Dessert Pizza-
(Pls tell me if anyone gets the reference)

Nagisa and Karma walked into the mansion that Karma had so recklessly bought, none of them were complaining about it though. "Cmooooon Nagiiii" Karma trailed behind Nagisa dramatically as he went to make dinner, they could have had their butler do it, but Nagisa wasn't that patient and was too lazy to go through the effort of asking them to make dinner, wait, not want to move when it was ready, then have them bring it to him, then he would just feel guilty. So he decided to pick up some cup ramen from the store along with some ramune and have that. "But Karma should we really be wasting our time on a host club instead of working hard and studying?" "It'll be fine! You can do both and you know it!" Sadly he was right, Nagisa could do both and was just making an excuse. Karma figured that this would be around the time Nagisa surrendered, and just as he thought that Nagisa finally agreed, finally! His hard work has paid off! So he decided to not bother him about the host club for the rest of the night in case he changed his mind.

Ok so,
Thank you so much for reading this fanfic! I don't take that much pride in my writing so seeing people enjoy my work really makes me happy, and again, thank you so much! uwu

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