When the Past Bites

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"Hello Brother." Jeff sneers, looking at non other than Lui's grave, sitting on the slightly damp dirt roughly, glaring at the tombstone.

"So you thought I wouldn't come back huh? Well you're wrong Lui, you know why?" He stabs the knife into the dirt in anger. 

"Because In the past few years something amazing happened, something that changed me." He paused and licked a bit of dried blood from his lips. 

"A little girl named Y/N, you know why? Because she is the best thing to happen to me since I became beautiful. And I know damn well you want nothing but to see your dear brother fail but here I am." He threw his arms up and motioned around him before slamming them back down.

"I will change, for the better Lui, I came to tell you that because I know you don't believe I can, but I will." He growls before standing and giving the stone one last look before turning his back and walking away silently.

Back at the mansion Y/N is playing with EJ, looking through a book of human organs curiously. She has had to adapt to their strange behaviors and even apply them to how she acts.

"And lastly, my favorite part is the kidney." He hums through his mask, showing her the page for a few seconds before continuing to flip through.

Jeff burst through the door and sighed, his chard lips lifting into a real smile  as little footsteps run towards him and attack him in a hug. 

"Hey kid," He greets gruffly, chuckling a bit at the young girl.

"Jeffy lunch is ready then we are going to play a board game!" She said happily before skipping off to help Slender with lunch like usual.

Jeff hummed lightly, not knowing he was gone for so long as he followed Y/N's rush footsteps to the kitchen. Walking in he smelt the usual savory aroma from the stove Slender had finished cooking on.

He saw Y/N sitting at the table and chatting away with Arrow who has is now living with them and is apart of the family. Jeff took his usual spot beside Y/N and tucked her (Long or short) Hair away so no food would get in it.

 (My Mom used to always do this idk)

Slender walked in carrying multiple plates with his tendrils, placing them in front of the person who wanted it. Jeff started carefully eating, listening in on the small chatter around the table. 

"So Jeff, where did ya head off to?" BEN spoke up, turning to the other male with a small grin.

"None of your damn business." Jeff grumbled in response, throwing a piece of his pasta at the elf boy.

(Pasta? Get it? Ahah i'll leave now)

BEN retaliated by throwing some back which hit Jane in the mask. 

"BEN you little freak!" She shrieked before throwing her plate at him which he ducked to avoid.

LJ was bursting with laughter and throwing candy at everyone while Y/N watched, munching on her food quietly. Slender also watched the mess his 'children' were making and set his newspaper to the side, slamming his tendrils on the table and grabbing everyone besides Y/N. 

BEN tried to lunge at Jeff which made Slender raise him above the others and shake him slightly to make him calm down. 

"Will all you stop?" He shook his blank face, crossing him arms and trying to give them a disappointed look.

"He started it!" BEN shouted, pointing at Jeff who also crossed his arms and shot BEN a glare.

"All of you, no games today, go to your rooms." He let them go and started to clean up as they slowly walked to their rooms.

Jeff grumbled and picked Y/N up, walking with her to his room. Once they arrived he set her down and sighed, sitting on the bed and stretching his limbs out. 

"Sorry kid." He mumbled, referring to the whole food accident.

"It's alright! It was funny." She giggled, sitting on the bed as well and swinging her slightly dangling legs.

Jeff ruffles her hair before running a hand through his own messy locks.

"I'm going to take a shower, go run around." He says before disappearing down the hallway in search of the bathroom.

Y/N nods and runs off in the opposite direction, looking for someone to hang out with until dinner, she comes across Jane's room and wonders if it would be okay to enter. Ever since the Zalgo chaos Jane has been sorta distant and hasn't spoken to her or Jeff much. Hesitantly raising her fist she gently knocks and steps back, waiting for a reply. Y/N heard grumbling and something being knocked over before the door swings open.

"Y/N?" Jane asks, leaning against the door frame while looking at the small girl.

"H-Hi Jane!" Y/N waved at the taller girl shyly, a small smile on her face.

Jane sighs and kneels down slightly to be face to face with the 10 year old.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, shaking her head at the thought of Jeff.

"J-Jeff is busy so I came here, I can leave if you want." Y/N says quietly, taking a step back and getting ready to leave.

"No no, come in." Jane sighs, stepping to the side so that Y/N could walk in.

Y/N looks at Jane a little surprised but walks in and looks around, humming quietly to herself. Jane shuts the door gently and looks back at Y/N, taking in how much she had grown.

"So how's Jeff?" Jane asks like she doesn't see him everyday.

"Good." Y/N replies simply, looking up at her.

Soon the two were talking about how they have been and Jane felt a smile come onto her face, she would be lying if she said she didn't miss the little girl.

Y/N yawns and sits on the bed with Jane, talking about the boys jokingly.

"Oh he is such a nerd!" Y/N squeals with laughter as they gossip about BEN.

Jane laughed and and nodded in agreement, Y/N hummed and closed her eyes, leaning against Jane tiredly. The older one looked down at the little girl with a small smile, brushing her hand through her hair and humming a song quietly. Soon Jane noticed Y/N had fallen asleep and picked her up, walking with her to Jeff's room. She knocked quietly and waited for the pale male to answer.

"Jane?" He huffed, running a hand through his still damp hair.

"This is yours." She sighed, handing him Y/N before walking back to her room but casting him a final look as she walks down the hall.

Jeff watched with a small frown before holding Y/N close and closing the door, laying her on his bed to rest.

"I love you daughter." 

He said before kissing her head and pulling the blankets over her form.

(Yep here it is, the sequel. PHEW, both chapters took me about a day each and i'm so tired. High school is tiring but I will do my best to post every weekend.)

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