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       Lui stood there, hands by his side while the stitches covering the still young looking boy were fully visible to Jeff. The disbelief on Jeff's face made Y/N worry, looking up at her Father with big eyes. Suddenly the ash haired male stood, nearly stepping on the little girl while taking a step closer to Lui.

"You're dead! You aren't here!" He yelled, rage in his eyes from seeing the younger brother alive.

"I'm here Jeffery and there is nothing you can do about it." Lui tested, narrowing his eyes slightly but keeping a calm composure.

Jeff growled and whipped his knife out, smirking slightly as he gripped it tight, like it was supposed to shield him from all the feelings the Dad was feeling.

Seeing the knife it was like a switch when Lui spoke again, this time his voice much darker and more demonic.

"You think you scare us Jeffery? Now i'm your nightmare!" The same voice laughed loudly, slightly bent over before Lui's body visibly flinched and he turned much calmer.

Jeff's eyes widened if that was even possible, before snarling and walking towards his brother. "You are weak, I could kill you again!" He yelled before slashing at his brother, almost hitting him before a faceless man interrupted.

"Jeffery please step back." Slender's voice was full of authority as static filled the air.

Y/N whimpered slightly while covering her ears,  the loud static making Jeff stumbled away from Lui, the other seeming unaffected.

"Children come back to the house, we have matters to discus." Slender sighed, wrapping his tendrils around them to teleport back home.

Jeff shoved away from Slender once they finished, growling up at him. "Why the hell is he here? HOW IS HE ALIVE?!" The ashy haired boy screaming at the tall man.

Slenderman rubbed his forehead before gesturing for him to take a seat at the dinning table which made Jeff growl and slam his knife into the table, standing there stubbornly. The other two took a seat before Y/N walks forward to take hers, being stopped by the faceless man. 

"Y/N please give us some privacy." Slender said gently, not wanting her to witness what was to come.

Looking up at her father then Slenderman she only nodded before racing off to find something to occupy herself for now.

"Now, Liu do you wish to explain or me?" Slender spoke up, turning his blank face to the brown haired male.

"I will." Liu sighed, lowering his gaze slightly before raising it to look at his dear brother sending him a gentle yet firm graze.

"Well it started when you attacked u-me. leaving me clinging to life while you took off to find more victims . Our neighbor had decided to call the police and they found me and took me to safety and healed me as best they could. I don't just have scars on the outside from you Jeff, they're on the inside too." He scoffed before twitching and slamming his hand down on the table.

"You tried to get rid of us, but you can't! You are powerless against us now Jeffery!" The other side of Liu yelled, dropping his head down so his shaggy brown locks covered his face.

Jeff took a step back, narrowing his gaze to the male he knew as his brother. 

"Why the hell does your voice keep changing?" He demanded Liu, confusion twisting his face slightly.

"It's me, Sully. The true one Liu needs. Not the brother who tried to take his life!"

"You don't know anything, you should be dead, whatever the hell you are." Jeff sneered before ripping his knife out of the dark wood, storming away in anger.

Liu snapped back into control and sighed, holding his head in his hands. "I knew this would happen, Sully you idiot!" He scoffed at himself before stalking off to the other side of the mansion to be alone.

Slender shook his blank head at the two brothers, rubbing where his nose would be if he were human before teleporting away to his office to work things out on his own.

Jeff traveled down the hall before making it to his room, throwing himself onto the bed with a growl. 'His brother is alive and is coming to stay with them, how could Slenderman?' He thought to himself before cussing out Slender in his head.

Running a hand forcefully through his ashy locks Jeff glared at the wall like it was his enemy but at this point what wasn't his enemy? 

"Jeffy?" His one and only daughter poked her head into the room, slightly startling Jeff momentarily.

"Yes Y/N?" Jeff replied softly, not wanting to use a harsh tone with his daughter when she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Is it true? Liu is your brother?" She asked softly, walking in and looking up at her Father.

         Letting out a sigh of defeat he nodded, fixing his sweater sleeves. 

"It's true, he is my brother and your uncle." Jeff admitted, picking Y/N up and setting her on the bed. 

"Will he like me?" Y/N asked, adverting her gaze to her fiddling fingers nervously, not knowing what the answer would be.

The question left Jeff slightly shocked, only staring at his daughter with his cut mouth opened slightly. After clearing his throat and reaching over to wrap an arm around Y/N gently.

"Of course he will, he's an idiot if he doesn't love you." He reassured kissing her head before hearing Slender calling for everyone to come to the table, probably meaning the others have arrived.

"Alright sweetheart now let's go." Jeff chuckled before picking up the little girl and spinning her, hearing her giggles fill the room.

Sharing a smile with each other Jeff puts Y/N down and they start racing down the stairs.

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