Happy Birthday Y/N!

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   The next day was full of planning for Y/N's birthday, she was turning 11 and they couldn't be happier but at the same time didn't want their little sister and daughter growing up.

"Do we have balloons?" EJ asked, slightly tired from bringing in treats and decorations for a few hours now.

Jane hummed and checked a box full of various decorations.

"We should unless Slender forgot to tell the three dummys to get them " She snickered, throwing some of her hair behind her shoulder to start hanging stuff.

"W-We got balloons." Toby poked in, a few (F/C) balloons on strings in his hand while the other had his hatchet.

"A-And look, they b-bleed!" He popped one and it exploded with red confetti and sparkles.

"Toby stop popping the balloons those are for Y/N!" She growled, snatching them away from the ticking boy and taping them to the wall for later.

They had all agreed to do Y/N's big birthday party a day before so her and Jeff could spend the day together and go into the city.

Toby huffed through his mask and crossed his arms, tapping his foot. 

"You g-guys need to hurry, a-at this point we won't even be ready!" Toby complained, getting a glare from Jane.

"Well if you helped we would go faster." She crossed her arms as well, giving the male a cold look.

"Y-Yeah Yeah." He waved her off before walking away to go find Jeff and Y/N.

Jeff was keeping the young girl distracted while the others set up, wanting to surprise her a bit.

"Toby!" Y/N squealed and hugged the male's waist, not having seen him all day because of the preparing.

"Hey." Jeff greeted shortly, standing up from their card game on the floor and nodding at Toby.

"H-Hey Y/n!" He smiled and ruffled her hair as the small girl pulled away. 

Jeff grabbed Toby's arm and pulled him close, quietly whispering to him. 

"Is it set up yet?" He mumbled, looking at Y/N as she sat on the ground to continue their game.

Toby just shook his head at Jeff which made him groan and sit in front of the child. The ticking boy decided to go help and hopefully make it go faster. Walking out he sees Jane hitting Ej and growling at him.

"W-What the hell is h-happening?" He put his arm in front of Ej to separate the two.

"He threw confetti in my face!" She growled and tried to lunge at him.

"L-Look I know it's been a long d-day but we need to finish d-d-decorating so Y/N can have a nice birthday." Toby shook his head, pushing them away from each other.

Jane sighed in response and turned away to hang the words. "Happy Birthday Y/N!" On the wall with Ej's help.

Toby nodded and turned to walk into the kitchen, seeing Slender cooking the cake.

"How i-is the cake coming?" He asked, leaning over the table to see the batter.

"Very well." Slender hummed in response, pouring the batter into the large pan and slipping it into the oven.

Turning back to Toby he hands him the spatula to eat the extra batter off before leaving the cake to bake. He grins and takes his mouth guard and eating the batter quickly before running off to see Jane and Ej finished. 

"P-Perfect! Now the presents a-and Slender will finish the c-cake." He nods to the two as they walk off to get their presents ready.

/Time Skip to the Partyyy\

"Happy Birthday Y/N!" They all shouted together while looking at the small girl who had lived with them for a few years and had a place in all their hearts.

Y/N's eyes sparkled as she blew the candles on the (F/C) cake, clapping her hands with a large smile.

"I'll cut it." Slenderman says while reaching over and cutting out a small piece of cake for Y/N.

Looking inside she could see it was (F/F, Favorite flavor) and jumped out of her seat to hug Slenderman, repeating 'thank you' over and over as he chuckled.

"You are very welcome." He responded and began cutting some for the people who wanted it.

Y/N quickly dug in, smiling at how well the cake was made. Smile was whining and nudging her leg for some food so she slid half the slice of cake to the dog with a giggle.

"Presents!" Toby yelled and picked Y/N up while leading the others to the living room to open the large number of presents.

Y/N was sat in the middle with a pile of gifts in front of her while all the pastas watched her carefully open each gift.

Soon she was finished and she got the best gifts from everyone.

A bracelet with stars all over it from Jane.

A link plushie from Ben.

A few books from Ej on of course, the human body.

A stuffed (F/C) bunny from Slender.

Masky and Hoodie both got her a full cheesecake.

Toby got her a necklace with a clock on it.

And finally Jeff got her a comfortable hoodie.

By the end Y/N was very tired and wanted to sleep before her big day tomorrow. Jeff picked the small girl up and after waving to everyone and thank you for the gifts both were heading upstairs.

"Today was great." Y/N mumbled against Jeff's hoodie, making him look down at her with a chuckle.

"I'm glad ya liked it Princess." He hummed opening the door to her room and laying her on the bed while setting her gifts aside.

Jeff tucked Y/N under the blankets and sat beside her, running his hand over her hair before kissing her head.

"Good night Y/N." He said with a sigh of comfort, happy to be here with his favorite girl.

"Night Dad." She yawned before turning away from him to cuddle into the blankets and drift to sleep.

Jeff smiled genuinely before standing and walking to the door, taking one last peak at Y/N he shut the lights off and door before heading to his room to prepare for tomorrow.

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