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           It's been a few days from the whole, city situation, Y/N didn't let her mind wander on it for too long, deciding to act like nothing happened. She understood her Father's ways and knew he would do anything to protect her with everything he could. Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful with her protective and loving father, away from the dreaded orphanage  she had thought was home. Now the young one knew what a true home was, her home was with Jeff the killer, her beloved father.

Speaking of her Father, Jeff poked his head into her room, checking to see if she was awake. Seeing that she was the killer offered her a real smile, leaning against the door with crossed arms.

"Morning sweetie, you up for breakfast?" He asked, chuckling a bit as Y/N jumped off the bed to meet him at the door.

"Yes!" She said excitedly, gripping his white sweater with jumping up and down.

Jeff hoisted her onto his hip, walking down the stairs to the kitchen, savory food covering the table with the few odd ones like Ej's kidneys.

"Children please sit." Slender's loud voice overcame the multiple pasta's chatting loudly.

Everyone did as ordered and looked up to see what his announcement was this time.

"So I have invited a few family over for the past few weeks, this includes my brothers as well as pastas so I wanted to let you know a few hour prior to avoid confusion and mishaps." Slender's powerful and low voice booms over the almost silent pastas.

"Great again?" BEN loudly groans, leaning his head back dramatically.

"Yes, now make sure you are all your best behavior." Slender turns to Jeff who was helping clean up Y/N's slightly messy face from the food.

"Jeffery meet me in my office." Was the last thing the faceless caretaker stated before getting up and stalking away silently.

Jeff sighed and shook his head before finally finishing wiping Y/N's face clean of food and stains, kissing her head before ushering to go play with BEN or Jane who had both left the table already. The two separated and went to their different paths, Jeff heading to Slenderman's study while Y/N decided to give Jane a visit.

Knocking on the large wooden door it creaks open to welcome Jeff, showing the faceless male sitting in his chair, awaiting the young man's arrival. The younger male sighed before taking his spot in the seat, looking up at Slender.

"So as you know, some pastas will be visiting." He paused while looking down at Jeff.

"And I wanted to warn you that one who will be coming here is.. Somebody you know." Slender stated, showing little emotion in his tone.

Jeff's eyes widened the slightest bit and he growled, slamming his hand onto the table. Even though Y/N had made him less angry and able to control his angry Jeff still had his moments.

"Jeffery please refrain from making this harder than it has to be."

"Why the hell are you being so secretive, who is it?" Jeff's low and rough voice spat out, glaring at Slenderman harshly.

"In due time Jeffery." Was all Slender said before gesturing him to leave, getting a growl in response.

"Whatever, faceless freak." Jeff spat out before roughly standing from the chair, nearly knocking it over as he walks to the door and slamming it shut after walking out.

Slender watched him leave with a little sigh, shaking his head before grabbing a newspaper to read. Jeff stomped into the living room to check if Y/N was watching tv or playing games with BEN. After seeing she wasn't he assumed the little girl was with Jane, heading to her room next. After making it to the dark colored wooden door he knocked softly, his anger disappearing as Y/N's pure face pops into his mind.

"Come in." He heard Jane's slightly monotone voice call to him, giving him permission to enter.

  Upon entering he noticed the two girls on the bed, clearly just in deep conversation until he interrupted. 

"Slender piss you off?" Jane blurted out, remembering the smiley male getting called to his office before.

Jeff rolled his eyes and picked Y/N up, resting her on his lap with a soft glare at Jane.

"None of your damn business." He scoffed before walking off with the clueless girl.

 Walking to his room and setting Y/N on the bed Jeff heads to his closet and grabs the little girl a sweater, gently tossing it to her. After noticing her confused expression he sighs and sits next to her.

"Everyone is pissing me off so me and you are going for a walk." He states, ruffling her hair.

 Nodding in understanding Y/N slides the hoodie on and takes her Dad's hand, the two walking out the room and mansion into the slightly cool air. Silently walking through the dense trees her Father lead them to a little pond, sitting down and running a hand through his ashy locks.

"Daddy?" Looking up at Jeff, Y/N whispered.

Turning his head to look at the little girl he hummed to show he was listening, his eyes trained on the sparkling water.

"Why are you angry at Slendy?" She blurted out, turning her head to gently rip out a few strands of grass.

Jeff sighed and glanced at Y/N, standing up a bit straighter.

"You know we are having some visitors right?"

 Y/N nodded in response, looking up at her Dad.

"Well apparently one of them is someone I know but the Bas-  Jerk. won't tell me who." He said, almost slipping up with a cuss word.

"Oh okay Jeffy." She smiled, leaning against her father while he wraps an arm around her.

"I love you Dad." Y/N smiled while looking at the water.

"I love you t-"

"Hello brother." A new voice said, making them both turn and Jeff's mouth dropped when he saw who it was.


~As Time Goes On~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon