Chapter 3- Kira

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Kira was just as maginficant and breathtaking as Vans...she was also everything and more to me.

i was close with Kira as we were both Vampires, what i loved most about her is her hatred for humans. i loved that...yes!!! score 2 for vampires. haha.

Kira was beyond beautiful...she had really long blond hair, it was wavy and curved around her pale face perfectly. she wasnt albeno but she wasnt tanned. she was perfect. her brown eyebrows contrasted her brown highlights, her brown eyes looked like paint, not the ugly paint but the beauftil expensice paint...her lips were full but unlike vans, kira's lips were pure pink, her light blush contrasted with this and made her look even more stunning if that was even possible.

she was also kind, considerate and wonderful to be around. we were all wild, but kira wasnt as wild as vans...she didnt look intimidating like vans, she was just plain beautiful. even though we vamps dont sparkle, she seemed to...she was just too beautfil. she was also everything a guy could want. we dont have mates but she didnt want a boyfriend right now. she couldnt bear a nother heartbreak. her life was hell before she became a nomad. we changed her. she went from quite to not quite; never shut up type of person. i love that about her...she doesnt care what people, think of her...she doesnt give to fangs about it. she doesnt have a crush but trust me plenty of guys have a crush on her. most of the humans fall at the feet and beg for her to go out with her but she would just snap at them and tell them to leave her the fudge alone.

she was awesome like that. similarly to me she hated the thought of humans and could also hear their hearts when they got to close. i only remember one time when she lost it and killed a human, but he had been bugging her for weeks. i would have been happy to end his life on the first day. but she is more patient than i am.

agian when i find myself ready to tear a humans head off or eat a werewolf or something. she was always there to calm me down and make me laugh. she always knew how to make me feel better; especuially when i am hungry. she was really outgoing and loved to read, she also knew where to go for the fashion...she was like a freak when it came to shopping thats why we never say the 's' word around her..she will go ballistic. btw the s word is shopping. obsessed is a complete and utter understatement. just like Vans, i love key so much its not even funny. (key is kira's nickname if you forgot).

her blonde hair was always perfect and wavy, she took care of hair and would run away when her parents suggested a air cut. she loved her hair. if anyone touched it i swear her fangs would extract and she would kill them. trust me i tried to braid her hair. oh boy did i get a beating. that strong piece of body knows how to fight. far out woman.,.but some people have figured that out the hard way...yeah INCLUDING me. hahah i will ever do that again without asking of course. jeez i never saw anything more protective. oh except for shadows mate. but we will get to that later.

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