Chapter 17- his decision

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using his alpha voice that austin couldnt overcome he said--- what they were talking about-----


i could see austin fighting his fathers alpahs voice... but i didn't know if he was going to win...

austin looked at me and i felt tears fall down my face, he swallowed and his father swore under his breath...



(pic of alpha-- aka austins father)

"Justice....i....i......i.... rej."

before he could finish, I smashed my hand in the mirror, what little glass that was left on the original mirror now shattered and on the floor.

His face broke and he looked stern and rough... "justice...i..."

"Just do it already I can't take it anymore."

"Austin i f*cking reject you."

My heart broke at my words.... I crumbled Into a heap on the floor as I literally felt my heart break into a million pieces. sobs escaped my lips and tears streamed down my face.

Austin just stood there and his father

Walked out with a smile on his face

"Bastard..." I muttered under My breath... "bloody bastard." I said just loud enough for Austin to hear.

I got all the courage and dignity I had left, pushed Austin out of the way and walked out of the first bathroom.


"Justice wait..."

I turned on my heel and was face to face with a broken austin. he was so vulnerable.

Mascara covered my face from crying and my wet hair clung to my face andneck, my clothes were semi wet from our previous mess and my legs were shaking from the slight chill in the air...

"What..." I spat at him. Venom was dripping from my mouth. but it was just a squeak. nothing more, my voice seemed to have failed me...


He reached for me but instead of sparks I flinched at his touch and jumped backwards. It felt different to be repulsed by his touch. it was disgraceful to call this werewolf a mate...

"Don't touch me mutt."

His eyes held sadness but he shook with rage! he had the shortest temper ever and now that we were no longer mates I could not protect myself from him... but I no longer wanted to.

He turned into his black wolf and I ran... I ran till i was at a lake... it was all dead. the plants were dead, then water looked pure disgusting, weeds and hideous vines raked the dead grass...

I heard footsteps and whipped around to see the one and only austin!

"What?" I spat. venom dripping from my mouth...


"come to apologize Austin. come to take it back, to take me back as your mate"


"No... save it I don't want to hear it mutt."

He don't even shake. he shook his head in dismay and looked at me with vulnerable and broken eyes.

He walked towards me as I stiffened... he wiped the tears that I didn't even knew I cried and he placed a hair behind my ear... he kissed my forehead and I touched his chest.

"I'm sorry." he whispered and then he was gone...

And I broke down. I couldn't take it anymore.... my heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest. my knees buckled and I sunk to the floor.... unaware that Austin was watching me from behind the trees...

I cried so hard. I couldn't breath. If I had a heart, like I said it would be shattered. broken. torn. nonexistent!!! like it is now. like it has forever been.


So I got up and ran.... I let the wind take me. I ran to Kira's house. and I new that vans would be there to. they both knew I was there and they opened the door. to say they were shocked is an understatement. my eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and my body was weak and my hair was a mess from the wind in my hair...

They didn't ask me questions. they just invited me in and vans let me cry on her lap whilst I told my story and sipping my hot chocolate that Kira made for me.

For the first time in my life, I felt cold. for the first time I wasn't hungry for blood. I was hungry for love!!

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