Chapter Eleven

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As the days melted together, September faded into October. Wildemoor bloomed with the colors of autumn in shades of crimson, shining gold, and fiery orange. Pumpkins lined every porch and perched on every step. The lingering scent of smoke from fireplaces hovered in the air, sharp, acrid, and comforting with its familiarity, the reminder of warmth as the creeping chill of fall became stronger each night.

Sky knew she would cross paths with Aiden again at some point. But she didn't try to avoid him as she had attempted to before. She simply focused on her business again. With the arrival of a new season, the tearoom was brimming with clients, eager to get a glimpse at what new changes might be coming their way.

Bryony waltzed into Sky's kitchen one morning in early October, bringing with her a wooden crate full of dark red turnips, bushels of chamomile with bobbing white heads, and golden raspberries.

Sky gathered a handful of golden raspberries and popped them in her mouth.

"I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow," she said. "What's the occasion for the surprise visit?"

"A particularly loud infestation of hobgoblins," Bryony replied. "I needed to escape."

Sky gestured to the kitchen table.

"Have a seat," she said. "You're safe here. Tea?"


After a pause, Bryony added, "How are you holding up?"

Sky poured tea into two cups and carried them to the table, sliding one cup in front of Bryony.

"I'm doing okay," she said. "The tearoom has been busy."

"I bet that...helps," Bryony said with pointed emphasis.

Sky shrugged as she took the seat across from Bryony and peered into the swirling water of her teacup.

"I saw him," she said. "Yesterday."

Bryony was silent, eyebrows raised, teacup halfway to her lips.

"And?" she coaxed.

"I was passing The Eye of Newt and he was coming out. He didn't notice me."

It had hurt at the time but now it felt...normal. And she needed normal. No surprise love spells. No accidental romances to turn her life topsy-turvy. It had been a whirlwind at the time, falling for Aiden Hall. But now Sky found that she rather enjoyed the peace and quiet that her life had returned to.

Bryony studied her for a moment. "You seem to be handling this whole thing surprisingly well. I would have kicked him in the teeth."

Sky laughed. "I think enough damage was already done. Besides, it was partly my fault, remember?"

Bryony grunted, clearly disagreeing on that point. Sky reached over and took Bryony's teacup.

"Let me take a look at that," she said.

"I don't need a reading," Bryony objected. "I'm perfectly fine without vague hints about my future."

Sky squinted at Bryony with a playful look and tilted the cup toward her anyway. She studied the contents for a moment and her heartbeat quickened.

"What?" Bryony said.

Sky raised her head. "Nothing."

"Tell me. It's bad, isn't it?"

"I thought you didn't want to know?"

Bryony huffed and crossed her arms. "You just got this sour pickle expression on your face, like what you saw was hideous."

Jinxed | A Halloween Romance | Coven Corner #1Where stories live. Discover now