Chapter Twelve

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There was a roaring in Sky's ears, like a scream or a hammer pounding at her head. Could this really be happening? She would have to see Aiden at every meeting, every holiday celebration now.

"Are there any objections to this new initiate joining our Circle?" Mother Hestia asked.

I object, Sky wanted to say.

But if she did that, she would have to explain what she'd done. If Hazel—now the new High Priestess—deemed the accidental love spell harmless, then Sky's confession wouldn't have her removed from Wildemoor or even the coven. But how many times would she be forced to relive that one tiny, embarrassing mistake over and over again?

When Mother Hestia's request was met with silence, she nodded. Bryony broke the circle and came forward, helping Mother Hestia to her feet.

"Then I place the rest of the ceremony in Hazel's good hands," she said.

As she leaned on Bryony's arm, she approached Aiden and hooked the robe over his head. It pooled over his shoulders like a sheet of ink, matching the color of his hair.

"Welcome to the Silver Circle Coven, Aiden Hall," Mother Hestia said. "May your magic bless those around you. And may your magic be blessed by others in return."

Aiden dipped his head. "Thank you, Mother."

She patted his cheek with a smile.

"I knew I had chosen you for a good reason," she said.

Sky clenched her teeth. What did he think he was doing? Getting himself involved with the coven when he hadn't even been living in Wildemoor for more than a few weeks? Bianca had lived in Wildemoor for years. She should have been the next initiate. Now he was worming his way into the good graces of the rest of the town only to toy with them the way he had toyed with Sky.

But judging by the blindingly bright smile on Bianca's face as she looked at Aiden, she didn't seem at all upset that she had been passed over in favor of Aiden. She clasped Aiden's hand and rested her chin on his shoulder for a moment before Mother Hestia pulled him away.

"As Bianca Lovett has witnessed," Mother Hestia said. "Our Circle remains whole at thirteen members. Aiden, do you have a cup with you?"

Aiden pulled a cup from his pocket—a long, sleek black goblet inscribed with silver runes along the rim. Mother Hestia turned to Sky and gestured for her to come forward.

Sky gripped the teapot so tightly that she was certain it would shatter in her hands. She didn't want to pour the tea to finalize his position in the coven. She didn't want Aiden to be part of the coven at all. She wanted him to leave. Leave the clearing. Leave Wildemoor. Just go.

"Sky," Mother Hestia said. It was clear from her tone that she had already tried to speak to Sky several times and get her attention but Sky hadn't been listening. "Pour the tea, please."

Haltingly, Sky stepped forward until she stood directly in front of Aiden. He held out his cup, dark and gleaming. The scent of cloves and incense washed over her and Sky rocked back on her heels at the impact of that smell.

Mother Hestia patted Aiden's shoulder.

"Maybe you can do something about these clouds that have been so threatening lately," she said. "I think you'll like it here, Aiden. We are proud and honored to have you join our family of magic."

Aiden smiled at her but it was tight-lipped and small—a mere pleasantry that he spared only out of politeness. Was he impatient to be joined with the coven? Was he annoyed with Mother Hestia and how long it was taking? Did he simply want the position of power that the coven provided?

Jinxed | A Halloween Romance | Coven Corner #1Where stories live. Discover now