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“Dragons and Vikings didn’t always get along,” says Hiccup as you fly across the churning ocean on Toothless’ back. “But that all changed when Toothless and I became best buds. And seeing the way you’re holding that egg without any fear… well, I think you’ll fit right in.” Before you can answer, the dragon egg in your hands cracks again. Hiccup urges Toothless to pour on the speed. “Come on, Toothless. Time’s running out!” Hiccup yells loudly in the open sky. While the sun continues to rise, your hazy mind tries to think back to the shipwreck and wonders what caused it: Dragon, human… or something else? Where were you going? Why were you alone? And, most importantly, who are you? You Hiccup and Toothless continue to fly towards the rising sun peacefully being comfortable of the silence in the air. Before long, Toothless banks between two giant statues that guard the entrance to their home. “This…is Berk” says Hiccup, beaming with pride. “As far as islands go, it’s a little on the flammable side.” He says silently gesturing to all the wooden structures and forests. “Most of our past times include the words breaking and bones. But our pets, well… they can’t be beat!” Toothless lands in front of a bustling blacksmith stall and a surly, peg-legged Viking. “Hiccup? Showing up to work early? I must be in Valhalla!” The Viking then points his hammer-arm at you. “Bringing home strays, are ya? Where in Thor’s name did you dig up this raggedy urchin?”. “Gobber, this is…uh…” Hiccup looks at you quizzically. “We really gotta get you a name. But, first…” Hiccup gently takes the egg from your hands and places it in the furnace. Gobber catches on quickly and wakes up his lazy, slumbering dragon with a gentle kick. “Grump! The forge needs stoking you good for nothing Hotburple!” Grump stops snoring long enough to cough a fireball into the furnace, then goes right back to sleeping. Gobber squints at the egg as the ocean muck and seaweed begin to burn away. “That’s the filthiest dragon egg I’ve ever seen!” Gobber gripes, “I can’t even tell what breed it is!” The egg begins to glow and shake from within as if filling with some incredible pressure. “Oh, Right,” Hiccup chuckles nervously. “I may have neglected to mention that hatching dragon eggs tend to, uh…explode!” As Hiccup said that the egg burst into flames. “Oh, Hiccup” grumbles Gobber. “I do so love it when you bring your friends over…” said Gobber sarcastically. After everyone gets to their feet, the smoke clears, revealing that the furnace is now empty. Toothless cocks his head in surprise. “Uh-oh” Gobber mutters. “Looks like you’ve got a baby dragon on the loose!”. “Then it’s up to us to find it.” Hiccup unfolds from his gauntlet a large map of Berk and it’s surrounding islands. “The only question is where should we look first?” Hiccup mutters.





We just left the blacksmith stall and I’m still picking bits of egg shell out of my hair. Black bits, purple bits, even glowing blue bits that are only starting to cool and fade. Strange.


But no stranger than some of the other things I’ve seen today from here on Toothless’ saddle as he flies me and Hiccup across this strange island. There are: Water tanks above houses to put out fires? Flocks of tiny dragons singing on rooftops? A guy with a bucket on his head whose name is Bucket?

 I think I get why Gobber gets so cranky.

Berk is CRAZY!

Yet, despite all the, well, chaos, there’s something beautiful about the way these people and dragons seem to be working together, just like Hiccup said they would.

Just like Hiccup says I will.

With my new dragon.

But I don’t know if I’m ready for that. I don’t even know who I am. Or if that’s even supposed to be MY dragon!

Hiccup seems convinced that egg meant something to me- to whom I used to be- from the way I held it without fear after he and Toothless pulled us out of the ocean.

Maybe he’s right.

But maybe Hiccup is wrong about the dragon egg.

I mean, what was it doing alone on that boat in the middle of the ocean with me? Was I trying to save the egg?  Or was I trying to get rid of it?

And when its hatching stage slowed down because of the cold seawater, did I hold the egg closer to my body to warm it back up? Or was I trying to kill it?

Maybe Hiccup is wrong about me…

What was I doing alone on that boat in the middle of nowhere? Was I escaping from someone? Or something?

Or was I exiled? Did I just lose my memory? Or was I made to forget?

Is it the egg we should be worrying about…or is it me?

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