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I can’t believe it’s been one month since I last wrote in this journal. But, hey, training a dragon is hard work!

From the constant feedings in the stables, to the endless practice at the Academy, to putting out all the accidental fires everywhere—in—between. Nothing makes time fly like spending every walking moment with a growing Night Fury.

Not that life on Berk ever feels like a chore. Whether it’s playing fetch with the Returnwing or carrying little Gem on my back so we can glide for short distances, each day brings new discoveries, new challenges and new fun.

The other benefit of dragon training is how it keeps my mind off the past. But as the days pass, so do those questions. And the thoughts of what might have been my old home quickly fade when I consider the new home Gem and I have made here in Berk and, of course, our new friends.

Hiccup, Fishlegs, Ruff & Tuff, even Snotlout has made me feel welcome. Except for Astrid, I think she’s still jealous.

Eeek! I’m so excited for tomorrow, because Stoick the Vast is hosting a ceremony, to add my name on the village records and make me an official citizen of Berk!

Yes, it’s only been one month, but I already feel like I belong here. Like I was meant for a life with dragons. SO why can’t I stop worrying?

Why am I still afraid that something will swim up from my past and try to drag me back down to where it’s cold, dark and deep?

Why do I keep having nightmares about fire, dragons and war?

And why does a voice in my head keep questioning if I arrived at Berk by luck… or if I was sent here on purpose to learn all of it’s secrets and hurt the very people who saved me? But I know I could never do that to my friends especially



Hope you liked It!

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