~Gems & Jewels~

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With his paw Toothless reaches back and digs through the storage compartment on his saddle. A wooden, V-shaped device drops onto the dewy grass. Toothless immediately scoops it up in his mouth and presents it to you. You take the wooden trinket, studying its sleek design and ornate painted face, then look up at Toothless, who nods his smiling head to the side as if to say, ‘Go on- throw it! “Good thinking bud!” Hiccup then motions for you to throw the strange thing. “It’s okay! If the hatchling sees the two of you playing together, it’ll realize that we people mean no harm to dragons.” You hold the aerodynamic V in your hand and cock back your arm, ready to toss it. “I call it the ‘Returnwing,’” Hiccup says proudly. I invented it by accident while brainstorming some new defensive measurements with Gobber. “We thought it didn’t work and threw it away—only for it to come spinning right back at us! Give it a whirl!” You threw the Returnwing as hard as you could, and as Hiccup said it would it came spinning right back. You catched it in your palm and threw it again. But this time higher and Toothless leapt up in the air and caught it magnificently in mid-air. Toothless trots over and delivers the Returnwing back to your hand, then gives you a giant lick across the face in gratitude. “Keep it,” Hiccup says. “You’re way better with that Returnwing than I ever were. Besides, I think there’s someone else who might want to play with it.” Hiccup said gesturing to the hiding hatchling. You look to Hiccup not really knowing what to do, but he simply nods to the side. You see a round pair of iridescent green eyes with flecks of bright blue, here and there. The hypnotic eyes watch you between the shrubs, but the eyes don’t blink; they just stare, full of curiosity. “I’ve seen that look before, y’know they look like your eyes…Beautiful” Hiccup says to you with a nervous grin. Your instincts force you to shy away as your blushing so hard, your heating up and you can see in your peripheral vision he is too. “Um… Okay, bud. Your plan’s worked so far. You take the lead on this one,” Hiccup says to Toothless. A dark scale almost identical to the Toothless’ comes flying out of the bushes. You kneel down, to further inspect the scale. While you’re to busy tracing the rim of the scale and noticing the magnificent detail of it you hear Hiccup gasp. You try to look up to see what’s wrong with Hiccup, but you are met with the two large eyes followed by a black, slender dragon body. “It, It, It’s a…Night Fury!” Hiccup says astounded, still in shock, as he was for sure that Toothless was the last one. The dragon slowly takes one tentative step in front of the other eventually reaching under your arm rubbing its body against yours (like a cat). You notice that on the end of each wing (and tail-fin) bone there are blue markings that look like sapphires in the sunlight. “Hey, Gem”, It seems to like it’s new name as it licks my face a numerous amount of times. You take a deep breath, lower your head, and extend your and as an ultimate show of faith. You can hear the hatchling inch closer towards your hand, and you can feel its breath on your fingers, as the young dragon sniffs your hand. You can’t remember your name or where you came from or even how you found the Night Fury Egg in the first place, but you understand that, somehow, everything that has happened to you has led you and Gem to this moment.

Deep in your heart, you know this is right, so you stretch out your arm even farther. As Hiccup and Toothless look on in awe, the wild Night Fury takes a deep breath, closes it’s eyes and rests its face in your open palm. The instant you make contact, it sends goose bumps coursing down the length of both of your bodies. You feel Gem’s smooth black skin, the dampness near it’s nose, the fire heat and power emanating from deep inside of her body.

When your eyes meet, you and the Night Fury both seem to realise a fundamental truth: Nothing will ever be the same for either of you again.

“Congratulations,” Hiccup says as Toothless gurgles happily. “You’ve just started to Train Your Dragon

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