; h a p p e n e d ;

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i was swimming in the pool, alone.

i was staying there to practice longer, because my competition was soon to come.

i stepped out of the water, to quickly have a small break, until i saw the boy who feared water, taehyung.

he was outside from the pools, knocking on the glass, waving at me.

he then called for me to come outside, well, that's what it looked like. i grabbed my towel, and stepped outside.

he kept distant from me, because, of course, i had just gotten out of the water.

he was trying to tell me something, but it took a while for me to understand until he spoke loud and clear.

"could you t-teach me how to...uh, swim?" is what he spoke.

i was really shocked by his words.

he wanted to learn how to swim, but he was afraid of the water. why?

"but, aren't you afraid of water?"

"well... yes, but i want to learn h-how to overcome it!" he said enthusiastically.

at first, i was hesitant. i didn't feel like it was a good choice to teach someone to swim, when they had an irrational fear of water.

but, because of how passionate and determined he sounded, i nodded at his wish.


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